Interview with the Rockstar

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Bushida Household

Issac: *Opens up his eyes and groans* I am not ready to deal with today. What time is it? *Pulls out his phone* 7:00 AM? At least I have time to relax.

Marie: *Kicks open the door* Nope!

Issac: *Jolts and yelps* The **** do you mean nope?! School starts in an hour and Random School is like ten minutes away!

Marie: Language young man!

Issac:...Sorry mom, I'll ask more nicely this time. Why can't I relax?

Marie: Ashley has some seriously important news and I am surely you'll be acting just like me when you hear it!

Issac: O...kay? This better be good.

In The Bushida Household Kitchen

Issac and Marie: *Sits down at the kitchen table*

Issac: Wait, aren't you making breakfast?

Marie: Nope, Ashley is!

Issac: *Snaps his head towards Ashley in shock*

Ashley: *Flips a pancake perfectly while humming*

Issac: This is really weird...did I step into the Twilight Zone? Ash is usually afraid to cook breakfast since she doesn't want to burn herself.

Ashley: *Turns to Issac* I finally worked up the courage little man.

Issac: Well color me impre-

Ashley: *Starts singing loudly*

You casted a spell over the west to make me think of you!

In a way that digresses, just to make your plan pull through!

Now instead of a shovel I have a hook with a dot!

We're the thorns only casted aside the day you got caught?!

Issac: *Uncovers his ears* Why the hell is she singing that song so loudly?

Ashley: *Serves the food to Issac and Marie* *Clasps her hands together and inhales* I am going to meet Fluttershy!

Issac: Fluttershy? Isn't that the lead singer of the band Rose Colored Glasses? Iris never shuts the hell up about them.

Ashley: Yup! The circumstances as to why I am meeting her aren't great, but a win is a win!

Issac: Why are you meeting her?

Ashley: That is disclosed information I cannot tell you entirely about, I can tell you that I will be interviewing her before she leaves Pensacola.

Isaac: I'm going to be honest, I didn't know you two were huge fans of her.

Ashley: That's because you *Boops Issac's nose* don't like alt rock.

Issac: I don't dislike alt rock, I am just more of a hip-hop and R&B type of guy.

Ashley: *Looks at her watch* Oh crap, I have to go now. I don't want to be late otherwise Goodman is going to chew my ear off! *Grabs her keys*

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