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A/N: Like I said recently, it's a long one. I had a good amount of ideas for this one and I feel like I hit that SML vibe strong here. I hope you enjoy it!

Mario/Bowser Household

Junior: *Rolling his train down the tracks* Chugga chugga chugga, chugga chugga chugga! Oh hey Thomas, how's it going? What's going is your life away Percy...*Slams Thomas into Percy repeatedly* Die Percy, die!

*The door bell suddenly rings, alarming Junior*

Junior: I wonder who it could be at this time? *Walks up to the door and opens it* Angelina? What are you doing here?

Angelina: Hello, quite a beaut of a day isn't it?

Junior: I'd say so, it is about to be Fall after all.

Angelina: I think you mean Autumn, Robert.

Junior: Firstly, I said to call me Junior. Secondly, there is no way that anyone in the history of living has called it Autumn!

Angelina: Well I do since it's prettier and I'm-

Junior: A nightmare to all dentists across the nation?

Angelina: England has some of the best dental care in the world, y'know? Plus I don't even have British teeth.

Junior: Aha! So you do admit that British people have jacked up teeth!

Angelina: I did not, you have the completely wrong end of the stick!

Junior: Okay, whatever, it's called Autumn in your fantasy world.

Jeffy: *Comes in the living room while speaking in a Posh accent* You speak of Autumn in such dastardly ways? Bloody hell, that's quite dreadful! Well at least our schools aren't a BLOODY sh-

Mario: *Covers Jeffy's mouth* And that is enough out of Jeffy for this chapter!

Jeffy: *Headbutts Mario*

Mario: OW!

Jeffy: *Crosses his arms* I've said worse things that you didn't stop daddy.

Rosalina: He's right Mario, that can't be where you draw a line in the sand.

Mario: *Sighs* I hate to say it. Jeffy, you're right.

Jeffy: *Pumps his fist in the air* Let's go! Jeffy never misses!

Toad: *Puts his hand on Jeffy's shoulder* Except when taking a piss, you seriously need to stop missing the toilet bowl. Plus, you have a diaper for a reason.

Jeffy: *Sticks his tongue in a mocking way* Well when you shot me you missed my heart. You have a scope for a reason.

Toad: Maybe I didn't want to shoot you dead, I just wanted to prove a point.

Jeffy: *Quirks an eyebrow* And that would be?

Toad: That you have no game! Homie, you were talking about yo daddy in your raps! In both of them!

Rosalina: Okay boys, I am going to need you two to calm down. You have to get ready for school.

Angelina: You live with Toad, Junior?

Bowser Juniors Random Year (Jad686 Edition)Where stories live. Discover now