Ch. 1: New Enemy

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I was laying in my bed waiting for the head coach of the Girls USWNT soccer team to call me back. Oh yeah haha before I forget I live in Portland.

I was bitten by a radio active spider when I was 15. I'm 16 now. I have a best friend named Miles Morales.

I've been playing soccer since Ive been in highschool. After a game one day Jill Ellis the head coach of the USWNT team was a scout she came to my game and watched me play after my game she talked to me and told me she wanted me to come to the next camp, Meet the team and practice with them.

I of course said of course and that I would be honored to. She was glad to hear that I agreed. She gave me her phone number and said that she'll call me up for the next camp. This all happened last year she explained that the rest of the camps were already book for the rest of last year and will let me know which ones are available this year.

So here I am laying on my bed phone laying on my stomach waiting for Jill to call me and give me the update and all the info I need for camp.

I get pulled from my thoughts when my phone starts ringing. I see it was Jill calling me and click accept.

Jill: Hello is this Gwen Stacy?

"Yes this is Gwen Stacy. how are you doing today coach?"

Jill: I'm doing good thank you for asking. I was calling you to inform you on our next camp. Our next camp is in 2 weeks On August 14th, 10 am. Does the time and date work for you Mrs Stacy?

"Please call me Gwen. And yes the date and time work just fine. I'll there there August 14th at 10 am."

Jill: okay cool. I'll send you the rest of the info such as flight. Where to be when you get your luggage and who will be picking you up.

"Okay. Thank you coach see you then."

Jill: See you then Gwen enjoy the rest of your day.

"Thank you. You too."

I hang up. I set my phone on the charger and start getting ready for the day, I have high active hearing so while I'm showering I still have ears on the police radio.

I finish up in the shower and get out I change into a plain white sweatshirt and black ripped skinny jeans and black socks.

I still got another 14 days till our camp. I go into the living room and turn on the tv, I turn on my show that I've been waking for 6 weeks now and still haven't finished yet.

A show called supernatural. This show is 15 seasons long and has like 22 or 23 episodes in each season. Not sure how they are still doing this story at this point.

"Shots fired shots fired! Officer down I repeat officer down! Some green dude like thing is attacking a patrol car! Need immediate back up."

I immediately jump up and quickly slip out of my clothes and slip on my Spider outfit. I jump through the window and web my way through the city heading to the location of the cops and this mysterious figure.

When I get to the scene I see a green dude flying around on a glider. I kick him off the glider and we both fall to the ground. He gets pissed and round house kicks me in the head. I groan and fall to the ground.

"Oww." I get back up, he starts punching me I take a punch to the face 2 times. I start blocking the punches, I sweep kick his leg he falls to the ground I kick him in the face. He catches my ankle, he punches me in my gut I bend down and hold my stomach. He kicks me in the head again.

I stumble to the side. "Really? You must like kicking people in the head a lot."

His glider comes back down he gets back on it. He goes to take off but I tackle him off and we go flying in to a brick wall. I smash his face into the bricks over and over again. He elbows me and I fall off the glider, I use my webs and pull myself up.

I grab a little jet at the bottom of the glider and rip it out. I climb back onto the glider and struggle to fight him as the glider is malfunctioning and jerking everywhere as he's trying to fly away attempting to get me off the glider. We were over a bridge now.

He pulls out a golden ball and clicks a button. He throws the ball onto the bridge and it explodes, he punches me in the face hard. I stumble backwards and fall off the glider. I land on the bridge, I quickly use my web shooter. I shoot a web and it attaches to his glider I start swinging him around, he pulls out a blade and try's to cut my web but he was to late cause I swung him around again before he cut it. Him and the glider run into a building, his glider explodes.

He falls onto the bridge near me. He gets up and is really pissed. "Fine, we'll do this the old school way. No weapons, no webs, just ours hands and fighting styles." He says.

He runs at me and starts throwing kicks. He kicks me in the stomach and in the leg. He tries kicking me a third time but I catch his ankle, I grab him by the throat and body slam him. I pick him up again and body slam him again this time a bit more harder than the first time.

I grab him by his ankle I swing him around and let him go. He flies into another brick wall and goes through the wall. He tries to get up but I run at him and knee him in the face I knees him so hard that I broke the plastic eye part of his mask and broke the mask in half.

He rips the mask off his face and whacks me in the face with the other half of the mask breaking it. I stumble back, he gets back up and tackles me to the ground, I wrap my arms and legs around him to stop him from attacking me.

He puts his hands behind my shoulders, he lifted me up and slammed me down. I hold him tightly, I he lifts me up again and slams me down a second time. I remove my arms from around him I grab the back of his head I quickly move his head closer and head but him in the face hard.

I hear his nose breaks. He falls backwards, I grab him by the throat and throw him into another brick wall. He goes through the brick wall, the cops finally decide to move in tasers and guns ready. They taser him knocking him unconscious, they put cuffs and chains on him and throw him into the back of a squad car.

I limb towards the end of the bridge. I use my web shooter and leave the scene webbing my way through the city going back to my apartment.

I get back to my apartment and climb back through my window. I close the window and lock it, I take off my spider suit and change back into my normal clothes.

I turn off my tv and collapse onto my bed. My body was aching in pain from the fight. I lay there and end up falling asleep.

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