Ch.13: Vacation & surpirse visits pt2

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We land on the ground in Los Angeles 4 hours later.

"Well that was a fast flight. Thought it would be a little bit longer than that." Ali says.

I don't say anything. I grab Sloane from Ash. "I can take her from you guys. But can one of you guys grab my bags?"

"Yeah, I can grab your bags for you." Ash says.

I nod. "Thanks Mo—- I mean Ash." I say.

Ash and Ali both freeze up. I take that as my queue and quickly walk away before anything else is said.

I get off the plane and get inside of the airport. I hold Sloane, I smile and kiss her cheek, she giggles and puts her hands on both of my cheeks. I fish my phone out of my pocket, I turn it on and go to my contacts.

I pull up presses contact and shoot her a text.

Me: Hey Press, me, Ali and Ash just landed in LA. We are gonna surprise Tobin, can you send me a list of her favorite things? Like favorite candy, flowers, chocolates etc

Christen: yeah, she loves roses. She also loves any types of gummies. Like gummy bears, only albenese though, she isn't picky with chocolate either, she'll eat any type of chocolate. Her favorite ice cream is cookie dough.

Me: Sweet, thank you Pressy!

Christen: You're welcome, just try not to spoil my girlfriend to much.

Me: No promises!

Christen: Wait real quick.... What airport are you guys at? I can come and pick you guys up! I'm heading over to Tobins house to check on her anyways. She wanted to make plans and hangout so I can get you guys on my way there.

Me: We are at the airport called LA X

Christen: Okay, be there in 20!

I swipe up. I turn my phone off and put it back into my pocket. Ash and Ali were near me but off to the side quietly talking among themselves.

*Ash's pov*

After Gwen leaves with Sloane me and Ali stand there in shock and are dumbfounded.

"She almost called me mom." I mutter quietly to myself.

"Yeah she did. Maybe she was just thinking out loud and it slipped." Ali says.

I look at her my brow raised and give her a confused face.

"You were talking out loud babe. I heard you and I heard her. I'm sure it was nothing, but we should talk to her though."

I don't say anything, I just nod. We leave the plane and go into the airport. We see Gwen and Sloane standing there waiting. Gwen was on her phone typing away.

Me and Ali stand off to the side and watch Gwen and Sloane. "What should we say to her?" I ask finally breaking the silence between us.

"We will talk to her later but I think we can both agree that we aren't trying to replace her parents and make sure she knows that. And it's okay to call us mom and momma, and that we are there for her no matter what and that we loved her and care about her." Ali says.

I nod. "Agreed. We'll talk to her about it later."

Me and Ali walk over to Gwen and Sloane. "Hey kids, ready to go?"

"Yeah. Oh I texted Christen she said she'll pick us up, she'll be here in 20 minutes." Gwen says.

Gwen says this but then quickly looks away. I take note of this unsure about what to do as she avoids making eye contact.

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