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Eventually, Conon carried Ovidia up to her room and she slept until the next evening. Birtie stopped by having said that her memories were starting to reveal themselves and that she shouldn't strain herself. Ovidia was placed under mandatory bed rest by the healer woman. Maggie brought her food throughout the day and snacks in case she got hungry in between meals for the next three days. Upon day three Ovidia and her wolf were restless to go outside and run through the trees. So, she ventured out of her room in search of one of the three people she knew.

She hadn't gotten a full tour of the packhouse or land. She only knew how to get to a few places.

She made it to the common room in search of familiar faces. They were nowhere to be seen so she went to the dining room. A dozen or so unfamiliar faces turned their attention to her, she gave an awkward wave and turned on her heels to head to the kitchen. It wasn't where she found them either. Ovidia had not gotten used to using her nose and there were too many different smells for her to focus on. She felt like a pup, unable to do anything for herself.

Stubborn in her search she headed to the fourth floor, where she and the beta's rooms were located. Maybe Conon had been in his room with his mate all along. She climbed the stairs and walked down the hallway until she was at his door. She knocked twice and waited for a moment.

"I'm busy." Conon hollered; a feminine moan followed his voice making Ovidia's cheeks turn scarlet.

Scurrying off, she headed up to the fifth floor where the Alpha's room, office, kitchen-everything was located. She tried his office first and after no response to her knocks, she went to his room, knocking once again. Why was she even bothering to ask permission to go outside?

"You're afraid of being yelled at."

Her wolf was right, she was afraid of punishment. But why? She was a guest at their pack, not a hostage. Her wolf, whose name she vaguely remembered, seemed to know a lot more about her than she did. She knew why he wouldn't tell her. To protect her, too much at one time could hurt her brain, he said.

Alpha Cedric's door opened, revealing him to be dripping sweat with tired eyes and bloodied knuckles. "Oh, Ovidia, what's wrong?"

"I Uhm, I can come back some other time?" The alpha seemed to be having a moment and she didn't want to interrupt.

"No, go ahead."

Ovidia fiddled with her hands, thinking over her words before speaking. "Could my wolf go for a run?"

Such a child. Her negative thoughts rushed in. Her wolf used his paws to shoo them away.

"Of course, next time you don't have to ask, okay?"

She nodded and took off outside. The afternoon sun was warm and bright. The rays soaked into her skin. Shifting was a faint feeling but her wolf, Dario, guided her. In moments she was rustling out her fur and running through the trees. Her subconscious led her back to where the beta had found her. A mere few feet away was a small stream. Dario walked over to take a drink. Through his eyes she saw their fur coat, a silvery grey with purple undertones.

She pawed the ground, giving the water a new route.

"Kind of like us, huh?" Dario questioned or hinted.

He was right. Two paths. One unknown, the other just starting. Ovidia stared at the spot she was found.

"We were placed here," Dario whispered.

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