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"We'll see you soon dear."

Ovidia jolted up at the sound of her parent's voices. Their voices had blended to form one ominous sound. She shook Cedric, he was groggy and mumbling. 

"Cedric wake up!" Ovidia shook him more, startling him awake. 

Cedric blinked a few times while looking around his room, "W-what?" His voice cracked as his body got used to being awake again.

"My parents," Ovidia started, "They're coming."

He sat up, sleep falling off of him as his brain registered the words she had spoken. "No training today, we need to see if other packs have noticed anything." And with that Cedric dressed, rushing Ovidia to dress too.

That day they spent locked in their office with the fireplace lit, the heat melting the frost from the windows as Ovidia helped with the papers. Some were for impending visits or those wanting to join alliances, and the humans contacting for business opportunities. Cedric was making phone calls left and right, first with nearby packs like The Blood Rust and The Foxfern packs, then calling neighboring packs. Cedric even contacted the few vampires he knew from the ruins in the Outerlands. No one had seen anything out of the normal. 

Ovidia had thought that'd be the case. Her parents had always been good at staying hidden. They knew how to disappear and they knew how to find anybody with the littlest of clues. 

Cedric huffed, tossing the office phone across the room, it rolled to a stop by the lit fireplace, the heat waves reflecting on the shiny black plastic.

Dario had been rather quiet lately, a telltale sign that something was coming. He knew a lot more than he let on. Ovidia didn't bother trying to talk to him, he would speak up when the time was right.

 Cedric slumped letting his head fall into Ovidia's lap. They had desks right next to each other so they could spend time together as they worked. 

She smoothed his hair over soothingly, curling bits around her finger with light tugs.

"I love you." Cedric nuzzled into her lap, wrapping his arms around her legs.

"And I love you." Ovidia cupped his face while looking down into her mate's blue eyes. They were full of endearment.

"Stay by my side, forever?" He sat up to look at her, grabbing her hands and holding them to his chest.

"Forever." She said. 

Dario stirred, whimpering but never spoke. Ovidia's wolf still would not speak to her, not even when she shifted for pack hunts. It had been a week since her dream of her parents' arrival.

She sat in their office drumming her nails on the desk as she looked at the digital clock on the computer screen. Cedric had left for a meeting with the werewolf council concerning Ovidia's parents. She would have been there if it hadn't been that the elders only wanted to speak with Cedric. Her mate had come a long way from his pause in time, where his focus had been on nothing and yet everything all the time. Though Ovidia didn't know it, the elders held respect for the young wolf woman. She had single-handedly brought a spark of hope and joy to an entire pack of wolves, an entire family. And yet she was oblivious to it all, she carried a smile on her face in her new home, around her new family.

 Suddenly the office door opened. Ovidia had been so lost in her thoughts that the presence startled her. Her eyes widened and she hastily stood from her chair, running to him and jumping into his arms. Her mate chuckled at this, supporting her with only one arm. 

"I've missed you too, Mi Amor." 

Cedric felt his heart pound into his chest as he finally held his love in his arms. He had missed her dearly. He did not like being away from her any more than she did from him.  Ovidia lifted her head from his chest to look into his warm sea salt eyes. They were besotted with each other. Cedric let his forehead lean against hers, their eyes were closed as they breathed in each other's scent. 

"I hate being apart." She whispered, eyes still closed.

"As do I." Cedric squeezed her into him as much as their psychical beings allowed.

The two lovebirds loved one another so much that words were not needed to say so. Everything they did was proof enough. Every lingering glance, every small action; it all said the three words without a single breath needed to be taken to utter them.

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