No? Well, it would be useful now.

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     My first thought was ' Why Magnus? Am I not good enough to get threatened with Death?' After that my next thought was ' I wish he actually was a meteor now, meteors don't give out death threats.' And my third thought was ' Ahhhhhhh! Giant Fire-Lava guy is giving out death threats! Panic!'

     Evidently, Randolph wasn't having the same thought process as me." The sword Magnus! Use it!"

     The man chuckled." Professor Chase, I admire your persistence, I thought our last encounter would've broken your spirit, but here you are, ready to sacrifice another few family members!"

     " Be quiet Surt, Magnus has the sword! Go back to the fires from whence you came."

     Surt looked unimpressed, which unfortunately meant he wasn't afraid of high-level vocabulary words such as 'whence.'

     " Give it here boy, or I will show you the power of Muspell, I will incinerate this bridge and everyone on it." As he spoke, Surt raised his arms, and chaos quickly ensued yet again as the bridge began heating up even more.

     " Cool down man," Magnus pointed the ancient sword of mud at the man who I was now positive was a Fire Giant and was practically incapable of Cooling Down." I have a corroded piece of metal and I'm not afraid to use it."

     " Just like your father, you are no fighter."

     Before any of us, and by any of us I am most certainly not counting Randolph, could take action, a toy valentines day arrow struck Surt between his eyes, not killing him, but causing Surt, Magnus, and I to be extraordinarily confused.

     I blinked a couple of times at the scene I saw once I'd turned around. Hearth and Blitz were running, not exactly fast, but they were at least running towards us, preferably to help. Blitz was wearing a large hat, some sunglasses, and his usual trench coat, and had for some reason decided to carry a 'Make Way For Ducklings' sign with him. Unfortunately, Hearth wasn't any better, he hadn't added a hat or sunglasses to his usual, and probably only, outfit, but was carrying a plastic Cupids bow that he was using to shoot Surt.

     If I were to have any back up when a Black not-a-meteor fire giant was attacking, I probably wouldn't have chosen them, but hey, at least it's the thought that counts.

     " We'll cover you! Run!"

     Noticing two of my only friends attacking an Evil Fire Giant with a pair of children's toys, I grabbed a melting lamppost and began doing my best to pull it apart until I had a poll that could possibly be used as an odd, still melting, weapon. Once I had achieved getting something to slightly inconvenience Surt with, I took off my backpack and slung it over my right arm, to act like a fluffy shield. The perfect set of items to bring when battling a Giant straight from Muspellheim.

     Five seconds later I got hit in the face when Surt decided to knock Hearth away from him.

    " Enough. I am annoyed now, you will all die."

     " Gods galoshes!" Blitz yelled from over near Magnus." That's not just any fire giant! That's the Black one!"

     The temperature began getting even hotter as fire began swirling around Surt's feet and my lamppost continued to melt in my hand. As soon as Hearth stood up again he automatically fell onto the railing, and over by where my brother was, Randolph seemed to be very affected by the sudden rise in temperature. Magnus spoke with Blitz for a little bit before I saw the short guy help my uncle off the bridge and I turned to Hearth, signing as I spoke.

     " Go get as many people off the bridge as you can, I don't know how long they can survive in this heat, I'll get Magnus. Don't bother signing back, we need to hurry."

     Hearth nodded to show he understood before running off just as Surt began to speak again.

     " The sword will be mine boy. You cannot change fate, I will reduce your world to cinders!"

     My brother turned to face the fire giant." You're starting to aggravate me, I have to kill you now." With that, he walked through a wall of fire.

     Now I've seen my brother do a whole lot of stupid things in his life, it's one of the perks of having siblings, but I have to say, this was by far the stupidest and most dangerous thing he's ever done so, naturally, I had to follow behind him. Luckily for me, I walked through the fire just in time to see my brother do an even stupider thing, which was hit Surt on the head with the thing he'd pulled from the river just a few minutes ago. And then he got punched in the stomach.

     " Feeble, a soft little boy, give me the blade of your own free will, Vanir-spawn. I promise you a quick death."

     Not wanting to be left out, I decided then was the best time to do the stupidest thing in my life, get a running start, jump, and hit Surt in the head with the lamppost I'd pulled out of the ground. Because if an old, bottom-of-the-river-gunk covered sword couldn't kill 'The Black One' a melting piece of metal definitely not made for hitting people would.

     I have to say, it went better than expected. I'd been on the Track and Feild team bac in Middle School, and High School before my mom died, and my specialty was the high jump, so I was pretty good at jumping, meaning I easily leaped over my brother and managed to do exactly as I planned, hitting Surt in the head, before not killing him, as expected, and landing on the ground afterward, attempting not to step in my brothers vomit as Surt attempted to kill me. Great.

     Not to brag, but I managed to avoid death by sword for a whole five minutes. By which I mean he kept cutting my lamppost in half, and I kept moving the pieces in front of me when I blocked his strikes, so basically, I was barely delaying death for a whole five minutes, but the first thing I said sounded more impressive, so we're sticking with that.

     " Willow! The sword!"

     " What is it!? I'm a bit busy currently."

     " Remember how Randolph said I could renew it?"

     " And your point is?"

     " I did it!"

     I sighed, attempting to block another strike." That's great Magnus, now get out of here! I'm trying to hold him off! So run! I told Hearth I'd get you out of here."

     And that, my friends, is when I got stabbed. And Died... Great.

A/N: Yeah! A chapter! My schedule is getting better! However, it might take a little while until the next chapters ready, considering there's an awful lot of drawing for that chapter which, spoiler, is for Willow's room in Hotel Valhalla... because I have all these plans for it and google images just won't suffice also I'm probably going to redraw my redraw of the cover, because why not... and with that, I hope at least someone somewhat enjoyed this chapter, any to all comments from anyone about anything make my day, and just keep in mind the world is your erster.

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