... So, What Do You Think Of The Norse Mythology?

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     " This is way better than the last memorial I attended," Annabeth remarked." Yours."

     I smiled at my cousin. Something I'd just noticed in the past little while the three of us had been hanging out again was how alike the two of us looked. Annabeth and I both had the same wavy blonde hair, although mine was a little lighter from getting it died a few times. Both of us had basically the same frame and skin tone. Growing up, when I was really, really little, before the family disconnected, Uncle Randolph used to say I was the perfect mixture of Annabeth and my mom.

     Speaking of my mom... I turned back towards the trees, where the ashes of Magnus's and my mother were drifting through the wind.

     After a few moments, Magnus spoke up." Thanks for coming with us."

     " Glad to, your mom... from what I remember, she was great."

     I nodded." She was... and even if she didn't see you for half your life, she still would've been glad you're here. I think it'd mean a lot to her."

     Annabeth stared into the trees." They cremated both of you too, you know. I mean the other bodies... whatever those were. Your ashes were placed in the family mausoleum. I didn't even know we had a family mausoleum."

     " Geez, neither did I. You learn something new every day..."

     Magnus shuttered." Pretending we were dead couldn't have been easy for you."

     " The service was harder on Randolph, I think. He seemed pretty shaken up, considering, you know..."

     " That he never cared about me or Willow?"

     " Or any of us," Annabeth added." My dad though... that was difficult. He and I have had a rocky history, but I'm trying to be honest with him now. I don't like hiding things."

     I placed a hand on her shoulder." I get it... I didn't exactly want it to be a secret either, but a lot has happened since Magnus's and my... well... death. And we didn't want to get anyone else in danger... but I feel like you get it."

     " You're right Willow, I do understand, more than you know."

     " We're okay now," Magnus quickly added." We're staying with friends. It's a good place, but it's not the kind of arrangement most people would understand. Uncle Randolph can't know about it. I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone, not even your dad."

     " Hmmm... I don't suppose I get details?"

     " We probably should tell her..."

      " I just don't want to put you in any danger," Magnus explained." I kind of hoped you could be our one connection to the regular world."

     I elbowed my brother in the side before Annabeth started laughing.

     " Wow. You have no idea how funny that is. Magnus, if either of you had any clue about how weird my life is-"

     " Okay," Magnus interrupted." But being here with both of you? This is the most normal I've felt in years. After all the crazy fighting between our parents, the stupid grudges and years of not speaking to each other, I was hoping we could make our generation of the family not so messed up."

     " He means messed up in a relationship way," I added." Because if it were meant in any other way, we've already failed miserably."

     " That kind of normal I like," Annabeth extended a hand." To us, the Chase cousins. Here's to being less messed up... Now spill. Tell me what's been going on. I promise I won't tell, I might even be able to help. I also promise that whatever's been going on with you, my life is weirder. It'll make yours look downright suburban."

     " How much you want to bet?"

     " Bring it on cousin."

     " Lunch?" Magnus offered." I know a great falafel place."

     " You've got a bet. Let's hear what you've been up to."

     " I just want to make one thing clear before we start telling any stories," I piped up." I died first."

A/N: And The Sword of Summer is finished! Only two more books to go ( not counting Nine From The Nine Worlds, which I will include a chapter for as well). I hope at least someone somewhat enjoyed this chapter, any to all comments from anyone about anything make my day, and just keep in mind the world is your erster.

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