Yeah, Randolf's Disowned.

7 0 0

     Sam was the first to react. She grabbed her spear before rushing towards her father in an attempt to stab him with the weapon.

     Loki snapped his fingers." No dear."

     In an instant, Sam fell to the floor, not moving, her eyes only half open. Magnus and I both raced towards her, only to be stopped by our uncle.

     " Sam!"

     " Don't, Magnus, Willow. Don't make it worse."

     " Worse!?" Magnus repeated, attempting to continue on his path.

     I took a step back, readying my sword again." I'm not quite sure how it could get worse uncle. I think you've already made things pretty awful."

     " Willow..."

     " Yeah, it's been a while. Last I saw you was way back when I died on long fellow bridge, and next thing I know, you're trying to kill me and my friends. I'm beginning to think Magnus and I should've followed our mom's advice and avoided you."

     " You tricked us into coming here," Magnus accused the god." Why, if you could just step through a magic doorway in a coffin?"

     " Oh, but we couldn't! Not until you opened the doorway," Loki answered." Once you did, well, you, your sister here, and Randolph are connected. Or didn't you notice? Blood is a powerful thing. I can always find you two through him."

     " Unless I kill you," my brother shot back." Randolph, get out of the way."

     The god laughed." You heard the boy Randolph, step aside."

     " Please, Loki, don't-"

     " Wow! It sounds like you're giving me an order! But that can't be right, can it? That would violate our agreement."

     Magnus looked over at Sam's body." Loki, what did you do to her?"

     " Who, Samirah? She's fine, I just willed her to stop breathing."

     I let out a yell of anger at this, before racing towards Loki in an attempt to kill him, only to get stopped by Randolph again.

     " Please, Willow-"

     " Randolph," Loki spoke." Be a dear and knock out your niece for me. She's starting to become a bit of a bother, and besides, we need her out of the way anyways."

     " Loki-"

     " Do it."

     Uncle Randolph stared at me for a second." I'm so sorry about this-"

     " I don't care."

     Randolph sighed before taking a swing at me and, with much more strength than I had expected from someone his age, knocked me clean out. My head hit the ground and I blacked out before I could even see or hear any reaction.

A/N: I'm sorry about how short this chapter was, but unfortunately due to plot reasons ( The whole 'Skofnung can't be drawn in the presence of women' thing) Willow had to go unconscious at some point, and I felt right after they found out Sam wasn't breathing would be the best place for that. I hope at least someone somewhat enjoyed this chapter, any to all comments from anyone about anything make my day, and just keep in mind the world is your erster.

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