Chapter 19

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“I don’t understand why everybody is coming over here. Why can’t Miss Lydia just do this at her place?”

I take a deep breath before answering Joey’s question for the fifteenth time in the last twenty minutes, “because Miss Lydia and Mr. Rich had been on the road all day and I thought it would be nice for everybody to meet here for dinner so they didn’t have to worry about anything. Can you please make sure all the bags of chips get to the table?”


I wanted to be annoyed at his attitude, but it was kind of hilarious. Joseph never gave me many problems, so when he fusses it is kind of funny. I might kick myself in the ass if he keeps it up though.

My mom pokes her head into the kitchen while I was setting out platters, “Carl wants to know when he should fire up the grill?”

“Lydia said they were still about 45 minutes away, so we should be fine. Plus, everybody is going to want to chat so I don’t think it is that big of a deal if we wait until they get here.”

“You’re probably right, I’ll let him know.”

Mel and her boyfriend Adam were coming home for a few days while they were both on Fall Break. I volunteered to host a dinner here because I didn’t want Lydia to have all that on her plate, especially since they were driving to Denver to pick the two of them up. This wasn’t a huge party or anything, but as I was shopping for the food and setting up tables on the back patio, I remembered how much I loved event planning. Maybe someday I’ll find something similar that would work for me. Until then I really needed to get a job.

My mom said they needed a part-time librarian while one of the women was on maternity leave. I didn’t know if I wanted that, but at least it would be income for twelve weeks. Mom and Carl were perfectly fine with us staying here. I didn’t pay rent, even though I tried. They said the home-cooked meals and cleaning that I did were more than enough. Getting my own place was still high on the list of things I wanted to do. I wasn’t going to feel successful until I could plant some roots down.

The gate alarm started to go off, signaling that the guys were finally here. Cade and Parker showed up first and Damon wasn’t far behind them. Carl had the beers in the cooler outside and made sure all of the brothers got something cold to drink. I stepped out on the back patio with them. Carl offered me a drink but I politely declined.

“Looks good, Eden.”

“Thanks, Damon.  Did any of your talk to Fletcher this morning? I thought he’d be here by now.”

“He was going to pick up Toni on his way over, that might be why,” Parker answered.

“Oh okay.” My voice didn’t sound like myself, but I was hoping that was hidden from the guys. I didn’t want to come off as jealous. I knew Toni, I considered her a friend. There was something about them spending alone time together that just itched me the wrong way for some reason.

“Hey,” Damon wrapped his hand around my wrist to get my attention, “you’re not worried about Toni, are you?”

“What? No. Just hadn’t heard from him today, that’s all.” I scurried back into the kitchen and started setting up the vegetable trays. I was internally chastising myself for even thinking that way about Fletcher and Toni for one moment. What was wrong with me? The back door opened and Damon walked in leaning up against the counter, just watching me.

“What’s up?”

He crossed her arms over his chest, “What’s up with you?”

“Nothing. Just trying to get everything done and I didn’t realize Toni was coming so that’s another mouth to feed and I’m just…”

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