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(Author's pov)..

Finally it's the day when taehyung is leaving for Seoul,he was all happy and excited to get back to home..

And on the other side , jungkook too was all set to leave for Seoul,his face might not show his happiness ,but he was happy to go back to his home,to his gang..

Both were unaware that from today both of their life's are gonna change...


Yes hyungie i am already at airport , Don't take too much of tension, and i am going to switch off my phone inside plane,will on it when i reach seoul, okay bye bye hyungie love you...!(taehyung after talking to jin kept his mobile back...


Taehyung and Jungkook both were waiting for announcement of there flight , sitting on different side of waiting area..

After 15 minutes ,they heard announcement of there flight board,so they went towards there way to flight..

Jungkook was first to reach Inside the plane,so after searching for his seat ,he settled himself down on it comfortably, unaware of what is coming to him🤣🤣

Taehyung was last one to enter on plane,so while holding his laptop bag and small bag pack on his shoulder he started to search for his seat,and from afar he took a look and Found A-4 is very last window seat,so checking his phone once last time before switching it off,he started to walk towards his seat ,and without paying attention to his sorrounding and operating his phone he settled himself down on his seat ..WAIT SEAT🤭🤣🤣

Ummm why my seat is so hard and uncomfortable...!(taehyung mumbled to himself, bouncing a bit on his seat um🤭🤣🤣🤣 ,but someone else heard him to..

Cause you aren't sitting on your seat cupcake,u are sitting on my lap...!(jungkook spoke slowly near taehyung's ear..

WHAT THE HECK ...!(taehyung shouted and he tried to stand ,but his legs got stuck between jungkook's leg so he fall back again on jungkook's lap ,but this time facing him..

Just when jungkook got vision of taehyung's face,his heart started to beat loudly,he was awestruck by Beauty which taehyung holds, he never in his life imagined he would call someone Beautiful, not just Beautiful so utterly Beautiful..

Just when jungkook got vision of taehyung's face,his heart started to beat loudly,he was awestruck by Beauty which taehyung holds, he never in his life imagined he would call someone Beautiful, not just Beautiful so utterly Beautiful

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And taehyung also found jungkook handsome of handsome,he was looking like greek god and extremely sexy to taehyung...

And taehyung also found jungkook handsome of handsome,he was looking like greek god and extremely sexy to taehyung

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They both were busy in admiring eachother,but taehyung got back to his sense and pushed jungkook hands away from himself, standing straight..

Why the hell are you sitting on my seat "Tattoo man"...?(taehyung asked to Jungkook folding his hands on his chest while arching his brows, which jungkook found extremely seducing ...


Your seat,"Bread cheeks" last time when i checked it was my seat,so you are highly mistaken,but if you want I don't have any problem in sharing it with you,umm if it won't tired you,than you can sit on my lap whole journey...!(jungkook spoke smirking ,and taehyung eyed him mouth open..

What the Hell you pervert, this is my seat,A-4  ,see if you can see , not with that eye on your tattoo ,but real ones...!(taehyung said cutely glaring at jungkook..

Awwww "Bread cheeks" is paying lot's of attention to me,even noticing how many types of Tattoo i have on my body...!(jungkook teased taehyung even more, seeing taehyung's cute glare..

Eewwwww the heck i will notice you,in your whole face and body , only your tattoo catched my attention,so yes i am noticing your tattoo, but about noticing you ,in your dream's duhh....!(taehyung spoke sassily ,and jungkook was smiling silently watching taehyung ,to him the person arguing with him seems so innocent and cute,he himself was shocked that why didn't he had killed him yet, cause Nobody can talk to Jeon Jungkook like that right and Jeon jungkook doesn't get playful with anyone than why now??? Or he think's soo..

I don't give a damn "Bread cheeks", 'first come first serve'...!(Jungkook spoke closing his eyes..

Are you kidding me "Tattoo man",go do your 'first come first serve'slogan outside bathrooms door not here,this is my seat so get up,...!(taehyung spoke poking jungkook's side with his hand, but he got startled when suddenly jungkook yanked him onto his lap ..

You talk so much "Bread cheeks" i told you i am ready to share my seat with you,so now shut-up,and let's just take a nap together...!(jungkook spoke closing his eyes and tighten his hold on taehyung, leaving totally shocked and dazed taehyung on his lap..

To be continued..


Hey there lovelies new update is here do read vote and comment and please ignore my mistakes 💜🙏..

Taekook finally met🤣🤣🤣 hold on yourself cause fun is about to began..

Love Saddy 💜

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