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(Author's pov)..

Jeon Jungkook was person whose heart was full of love, care and affection only for those whom he adore so much, from his childhood living in orphanage he tried to help everyone ,he had many friends in orphanage whom he cared for,to whom he stick with in there thick nd thin,but while growing up they lost there touch, only hoseok and sunmi were the two with whom jungkook was still in touch,hobi and jungkook were bestest friend from very start so when jungkook started a Mafia group he included hobi in it and for sunmi at starting she was very naive but while growing up he got pampered by hobi soo much ,yes you guess it right hobi was so in love with sunmi ,he even insisted jungkook to send sunmi abroad for further study cause she wanted to do acting course and this lavish life and wealth spoilt sunmi to the core that she became an arrogant bitche, hobi all this years kept loving Sunmi and on the other hand sunmi possesiveness over jungkook increased ,she in her mind started to think that she owns jungkook,but what will happen when she come to know the one whom she thinking she owns is already wrapped around lil finger of his cute lil lover,from whom jungkook can kill and can get killed..


HOW DARE YOU RAISE YOUR HAND'S AT HIM BAE SUNMI....!(jungkook spoke in dangerous dark voice which sent Shiver down sunmi's spine..

J jungkookie i ts me your Somu,why are you behaving like this with me infront of this flith...?(sunmi questioned eyeing taehyung with disgust...

SUNMI ! Bloody watch your mouth no-one i repeat no-one can talk to my taehyung like that even if it's you or prime minister of korea,my taehyung is above you all...!(jungkook spoke gritting his teeth trying to maintain his calm..

M y t aehyung, what's happening jungkookie what do i Missed huh?what happened in last 2 year's,that someone else become more important for you instead of me..?(sunmi questioned with eye's full of tears..

Sunmi you are important ofcourse you are my childhood friend but this boy over here is My LOVER,my WORLD, the one with whom i m dreaming of spending my whole life with, don't mix two different relations, being friend and being a BOYFRIEND is two different things,You are my friend and he is my BOYFRIEND....!(jungkook explained calmly , all this while taehyung kept observing everything silently,he noticed how sunmi kept crying listening to jungkook's confession ,he might have known sunmi doesn't take jungkook just as his friend,her eyes were showing desperation and possession for jungkook which is not good...

F riend am i really just a friend for you huh?? Than What was those gesture of yours? Why you kept buying me gift,? Why you kept fulfilling my every desire's? Why kept taking me on dates and most of all why did you excepted my hugs,my kisses and my cuddle's...?(Sunmi asked crying loudly making jungkook and taehyung shocked...

What's going on -- Sunmi is that you..?(hobi asked excitedly coming inside the Mansion along with others..

Oh no this witch is back, heck now our peace will be blown away...!(jimin murmured under his breath..

Hobi was about to ran towards sunmi  to embrace her with a hug but was stopped by jungkook,there still was unanswered questions and jungkook doesn't want taehyung to doubt him because of those senseless doubts..

HOBI STAY RIGHT THERE, CAUSE I HAVE TO CLEAR SOME MISUNDERSTANDING OF OUR CHILDHOOD FRIEND..!(jungkook spoke loudly and then he chuckled darkly making hobi confused..

What are you talking about J.k,what misunderstandings? Can anyone tell me what's really is going on here...?(hobi asked seriously..

You will know hobi,so sunmi your questions were ,why did i pamper you??why did i take you "Dates"?and why did i expected your kisses, hugs and cuddles right...?(jungkook spoke in sarcastic way ,and hobi including others were shocked hearing what jungkook was saying, cause everyone knows what jungkook took sunmi as,if not a friend than surely as lil sister...

Date's ,hug , kisses when did this happened...?(namjoon asked dumbfounded..

That's what i am thinking but now i got what she is trying to say R.M,she mistook my friendly behaviour towards her as Love, the friendly outing we both did when she convinced me for 2 day's straight to go out on local fair, she is taking it as a "Date",the pampering i gave her just cause hobi asked me to do she took that as my liking gesture towards her and those hugs,cheek kisses and cuddles we did when her best friend betrayed her she tooked it as my sexual attraction towards her, oh how wrong u were sunmi,did i ever by chance have mentioned that i feel something towards you,No right, did i ever made u uncomfortable through my touches or make you feel that i m touching you because i m attracted towards you No right,than how can u urself think like that,when i never took you more than a friend...!(jungkook spoke his heart out...

B ut why can't you see jung kook th at how desperately i need you ,want you desire for you, that how much i love you since very start...!(sunmi spoke sadly..

Maybe because i never wanted to see ,let me make it clear to you sunmi,you are nothing more than a friend and u can never be,my heart is full and completed with my taehyung there is no space left for anyone,the faster you understand the better it is for you...!(saying this jungkook softly grab taehyung's wrist and walk towards his room along with taehyung..

To be continued....


Hey my lovelies new chapter is here do read vote and comment please 🙏🙏..

Whose your Fav character in this book so far???
Mine is Jungkook..💜💜💜

Love Saddy 💜

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