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(Author's pov)

Jungkook know he was stuck,stuck between battle of heart and mind,if he lie to taehyung he will start his friendship with taehyung on base of lie which can fall anytime,and if he spoke truth about him being a Mafia , taehyung won't even think about making any kind of relationship with him...


Ummm i have my own ways bread cheeks...!(jungkook replied back..

Yeah that's what i am asking tattoo man what way's,how do you know where i live when i never talk to you about this..?(taehyung questioned again getting impatient...

Taehyung please without getting hyper or Angry listen to me carefully, for 5 minutes..!(jungkook spoke getting out from his car..

Only 5 minutes okay...!(taehyung answered back nd jungkook nod his head smiling before continuing to speak..

"Bread cheeks" if i wanted i would have lied to you but i won't ,i won't because i don't want to start my friendship with you on base of lie or by keeping you in dark, cause this is who i am 'A Mafia' not only a Mafia but World renowned mobboss J.K....!(jungkook spoke making taehyung shocked and numb...

B Bread cheeks say something...!(jungkook spoke when he didn't get any response from taehyung for more than 5 minutes ,and for the first time in his life jungkook was restless ,he was in fear, fear of losing his bread cheeks even before having him..

T ae taehyung...!(jungkook spoke shaking taehyung bringing him out from his thoughts..

WOAH, are you serious ,i mean you aren't kidding me right, you are J.K the Mobboss J.K.....?(taehyung asked getting surprised..

Y yeah that's me....!(jungkook replied with hesistancy ...

"THAT'S SO FUCKING COOL,"...!(taehyung spoke excitedly making jungkook shock..

Shouldn't you be scared of me,i mean until now you should have fainted in my embrace getting feared...!(jungkook spoke scratching back of his head, getting confused by taehyung's behaviour..

Yeah i should have fainted infront of any other mafia,who looks yucky , having huge round stomach and yellow teeth,don't get so overconfident by listening what i am going to say next,you are too Handsome to be feared,and most of all i admired you along until this time...!(taehyung spoke making jungkook even more confused than he already was...

U ad mired me,you admire a mafia...!(jungkook spoke pointing at himself getting shocked...

No i didn't admired you,i admire that fearless human who save those orphan children and homeless senior citizens by providing them old-age homes and orphanage,i admire that super-hero who killed those pedophile who raped girl's even boy's too ,i admire that gem of a person who is stopping corruption,nd if that human is you than i m glad that i met you ,cause if helping others turned u into a Mafia than for me Mafia's are more helpful than those police' officer who instead of helping person in needs are busy in kissing feets of well-known personality....!(taehyung spoke , getting jungkook eye's turned teary,but he didn't let those tears fall..

Oh my i never thought i would hear these blissful word's for me ,i am honoured you think like that...!(jungkook said back smiling..

Yeah but wait tattoo man do you carry gun with you everywhere..?(taehyung asked excitedly..

Y yeah why do you ask bread cheeks..?(jungkook asked..

Please please please show me your gun please tattoo man,i swear i will just see it please...!(taehyung spoke acting cute doing aigoo's...

No bread cheeks it's not kid things to play, it's a dangerous weapon ...!(jungkook said denying completely..

Hey whom you are calling kid ,i am N,I,N,E,T,E,E,N, a legally adult boy, please show it to me please,...!(taehyung spoke pouting ....

Yeah nd i am Burj Khalifa,but no means no , it's dangerous.....!(jungkook spoke back..

Okay if you don't show me your gun ,i will shout and tell everyone that you are "The Mafia J.K"...!(taehyung spoke smirking while blackmailing poor jungkook....

Y ou won't do that bread cheeks...!(jungkook said standing straight..

Oh i surely will do that, Try me...!(taehyung spoke smiling ..

Okay but for 1 minutes , just see and return that's all...!(jungkook spoke thinking he blackmail other's and here this cute lil boy is not just blackmailing him but making him do what he wants..

Yayyyyy thank you so much...!(taehyung shouted excitedly clapping his hands...

Jungkook with hesistancy took his gun out which was looking so cool with gold-plated J.K initials on it, and tried to gave it to taehyung who excitedly snatched it from jungkook's hands...

Woah it's heavy bish...!(taehyung spoke while weighing gun by his hand..

Yeah it is now give it back to me ..!(jungkook spoke sternly..

Yeah yeah take it anyway's this small gun is not of my type's you know i like bazooka and AK-47 ...!(taehyung spoke and jungkook eyed him getting amused..

Oh really bread cheeks, than come with me...!(jungkook spoke grabbing taehyung's wrist and walking along with him...

Where Tattoo man..?(taehyung asked..

You will know...!(jungkook replied..

To be continued...


Hey there lovelies new chapter is up to read do votes and comments please ♥️💜🙏..

What is more whipped whipping cream or Jeon Jungkook 🤔🤔????

Love Saddy 💜

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