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(Author's pov)...

"KINDNESS" in word's creates confidence it's true; Kindness in thinking creates profoundness it's true; Kindness in giving create Loves it's true,Well it's also the truth that "No beauty shines better than a good Heart", It's true Kindness heals, it's true Kindness is useful weapon but for how long?what will someone do when because of same Kindness people started to take you for granted, using your kindness as your weakness, Pushing you to the edge where you started to think that u doesn't own any self-respect, that's why when people Started to take you for granted let them go,"when people treats you like an option, help them narrow their choices by removing yourself from that equation, Its that simple,Nothing is bigger than self love and Self-respect,"To feel cherished ,to feel love ,to feel Beautiful, you don't need other's,cause "To feel Beautiful, love and cherished means to be yourself, You don't need to be excepted by other's,you just need to except,"YOURSELF"...


Giving reply to jin jungkook didn't waited and ran towards the club where party was organised, others also followed him..

Reaching outside the club everyone started to search for taehyung calling his name, searching for clue, they found taehyung Mobile laying on the ground shattered into pieces..

This is not good J.K ,he even Broke taehyung mobile not only this, that bastard throw it here only, so that we can't track taehyung's mobile...!(namjoon spoke Making sense..


But how are we going to know where he took our taetae,we don't have any clue ,nothing,...!(jimin spoke sadly..

Well that sneaky lil boy is not that innocent as he seems so,his devil in angel disguise,he surely would have left some clue , search for it with calm mind without panicking,he is smart one that's why he called jungkook in instant when he smelled Siwoo's ill intentions,...!(yoongi said calmly..

He is right my taebear is inteligent, he even hacked his school computer so many times and change his maths score, let's just search here and there...!(jin to agreed with Yoongi , giving jungkook a ray of hope..

Well taking yoongi and jin advice they all started to search for clue which taehyung might have left for them,which somewhat become useful for them cause they actually found one..

Wait isn't these petals are from the bouquet which taehyung was carrying in whole party...!(hobi spoke pointing at some fallen rose petals on ground making jungkook and other ear's perked..

Yes hobi is right it's the same bouquet's petals which i gave to taehyung,yes it is i m sure look they are shining , cause i intentionally glittered some sparkles on them to make bouquet look unique and different from usual...!(jungkook said coming forward..

(It isn't shining i know,but please imagine it is🙏🙏)

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(It isn't shining i know,but please imagine it is🙏🙏)..

Look's like someone intentionally threw it on ground...!(jin spoke..

Wait it means it taehyung,yes it's my pup he had left directions for us to follow him,look rosepetals are giving directions...!(jungkook said excitedly..

Like i said that kid is overly smart...!(yoongi said smirking , cause once again he was proved right...


(On the other hand)..

Siwoo took taehyung into an abondon building after kidnapping him ,he tied taehyung onto a chair..

Now now why are you so silent My dear childhood friend, what happened cat caught your tounge??(siwoo asked grabbing taehyung hair's harshly from his scalp making him yelp in pain..

Y you thought i m silent cause i m afraid you might kill me, nahh bitch taehyung doesn't fear cowards like you,i m quite because i m thinking of ways to kill you..!(taehyung spoke sassily which angred siwoo even more so he slapped taehyung harshly making his lips bleed,but taehyung didn't feel any pain oops he did but he decided not to show it to Siwoo so he laughed...

H haha ha what do you think that you are brave huh,? Nahh you are spineless man you can only torture innocent and defenceless man,If you are real man than make me free, untie this rope than see how i will make you see hell here only...!(taehyung spoke chuckling not even 1% of fear was there in his eye's..

Impressive very very impressive,you know what that's what i like about you taehyung,Your this sassy, fierce and bitchy attitude, which made me think how sexy you will sound on my bed when i will fuck u mercilessly...!(siwoo said tracing his fingers on taehyung's jaw..

Keep dreaming motherfcxer, cause you can only dream to have me like others, but the one who is allowed to fuck my tight asshole in anyway he pleased is my JUNGKOOK,cause he is the real man unlike you and by the way who knows whether your Dick stand or not....!(taehyung again replied bravely ,and Siwoo was again about to slap him but a feminine voice stopped him..

Well his dick stand loud and Proud cause he fcked me good last night,but u my darling think twice before speaking cause i might snatch your tounge out of your mouth...!(it was Lee Sunmi..

Ohh it's you,well here comes one more spineless fuckwit in the making,but tell me one thing why the fck you both scumbags kidnapped me,any special Reason or it's just my prescene is special for you two...?(taehyung asked and sunmi angrily slapped taehyung one more time..

Don't bloody dare to call me by names you slut,i m being patient with you but that doesn't means I won't hesitate to kill you, atleast not until Siwoo took your taste...!(Sunmi said digging his heels on taehyung's foot..

Well ask jungkook how i taste cause i know he will describe it better than me, and you kidnapped me just to fck me..?(taehyung asked blankly..

Well plan is to fuck you than kill you, that's how it works dear childhood friend ,so that sunmi can get his jungkook and i get to fck you until my thirst for your body completely vanish..!(Siwoo said back smirking which disgusted taehyung..

OH REALLY AND WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT J.K WILL ALLOW YOU TO TOUCH HIM...?(jungkook questioned darkly entering Inside following him other's members of bulletproof gang..

Siwoo and sunmi got shocked,they wasn't able to think that how come jungkook know where they took taehyung, something click into Siwoo mind so he look back ...

Just to find taehyung sitting proudly on chair, his right leg was on his left one,and from one hand he was throwing rose petals on the ground smirking while from other he blewed sarcastic flying kiss towards sunmi and Siwoo...

To be continued...


Hey guys new chapter is up to read do votes and comments please ♥️💜♥️..

3 chapter's to go and Mafia i own will end...

Love Saddy 💜..

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