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(Author's pov)

Jungkook is (J.K) the world renowned mobboss by his choice not because he was forced or assaulted to do so,he became mafia at age of 16 when he found a pedophile ra**ing a school going girl,he was young at that time and not that strong physically but mentally he was,his blood boiled seeing that pedophile harrasing that young girl,so without thinking about anything else he decided to help that girl by attacking that evil man with a brick, he hit him until he fainted and from that day he decided to help those who have got no-one to help ,or maybe because being a orphan himself he understood the pain of not having any safe place....


Taehyung was humming while making dinner for himself and Jin,as Jin is too busy these Days,but he got startled by sudden ringing of his phone...

He checked the phone and found a unknown number calling him,he was in dilemma whether to receive that call or not,but he listened to his heart and recieved the call,cause his heart was saying it's "HIS" tattoo man..

(On call)...


Ummm Hello...!(taehyung spoke with hesistancy..

Oh my goodness ,I am sorry ,i think i called on wrong number cause My Bread cheeks never talks with this hesistancy..!(jungkook teased taehyung..

Shut-up idiot it's me only,say why do you called...?(taehyung asked annoyingly but from inside his heart was doing back flips..

Seems like Bread cheeks isn't happy with that i call,so i guess i should cu-...!(jungkook tried to complete his sentence but taehyung didn't let him..

NO DON'T,i i m mean Don't cut it now as you have called me already,and also i was getting bored so it's nice that you called...!(taehyung spoke getting embaressed by his own behaviour..

What my Bread cheeks want he gets, I won't cut my call if you don't want to ,i will talk to you until you got bored....!(jungkook spoke enthusiasticaly..

Well whom are you denoting as "MY" huh , when did i became yours....!(taehyung asked smiling while biting his lips..

Oh you don't remember ,well you became mine when the first time i saw you inside that plane...!(jungkook replied back..

W whatever,day dreaming isn't good for your health Tattoo man...!(taehyung answered while blushing..

But niether it's injurious to my health,and nowadays it's seems like my energy booster...!(jungkook replied back cheesily..

Ohh you butter polish your talk so much Tattoo man,but i believe in action rather than talking,...!(taehyung replied back sassily..

Oh you don't worry cause J.K's actions speaks louder than his word's...!(its jungkook turn to smirk..

Yeah yeah we will see that,but for now i will cut the call cause i am cooking dinner , gonna talk to you later...!(taehyung spoke..

As you wish Bread cheeks,will call you later ,take care good night..!(jungkook replied..

Yeah Good ni8 tattoo man...!(taehyung said back..


After having their dinner jin and taehyung were sitting on sofa inside drawing room waiting for Siwoo,cause he informed them that he will be there any minute..

They were talking when taehyung told jin that he is going to use washroom,just when taehyung went towards washroom doorbell ranged..

Is that you jin hyung...!(siwoo spoke smiling when jin opened the door..

Who else can be this handsome dummy, ofcourse it's me Handsome than handsomeness Kim Seokjin...!(jin replied flipping his invisible long hairs..

Can't agree more,...!(Siwoo uttered hugging jin , Which jin returned back smiling..

Now come inside my handsome self is so tired,i sure will faint if i stand here anytime more...!(jin spoke walking back inside..

Ofcourse let's go,well you are the same jin hyung you haven't changed a bit...!(Siwoo spoke settling on sofa..

Well i am not weather or season to be change...!(jin answered back sassily making Siwoo shut his mouth..

They both were talking about there past an all , while jin was replying from kitchen making coffee,just then siwoo asked something to jin..

Umm hyung...!(siwoo uttered..

Yeah, What happened Siwoo...?(Seokjin asked from kitchen..

Where is taehyung I didn't saw him yet....!(Siwoo asked..

He is here only i will call him....!(saying this jin was about to shout taehyung's name,but taehyung appeared before it..

Ohh look there he is...!(jin spoke serving coffee on table..

Hearing jin , Siwoo turned his head towards the direction jin was pointing,just to get his breath hitched, it's seems like he was hypnotised , hypnotised by Beauty of taehyung....

Hearing jin , Siwoo turned his head towards the direction jin was pointing,just to get his breath hitched, it's seems like he was hypnotised , hypnotised by Beauty of taehyung

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Sure Siwoo is a fuckboy, who doesn't leave a chance to fuck anyone wether it's boy's or girls, but seeing taehyung his heart started to beat fastly,but there was hint of lust inside his dark eye's,he wants to own taehyung,and when taehyung wave his hand to him showing his beautiful boxy smile, he decided ,he will have him,he will have taehyung either by hook or crook ...

To be continued...


Hey my lovelies new chapter is up to read do votes and comments please ♥️💜♥️..

Hmmm Siwoo seems bad news to me🤔🤔🤔🤔..

Love Saddy 💜

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