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Pic credit to rightful owner ♥️♥️♥️..

(Author's pov)..

Jungkook try to be as much as lenient as he can be,cause he is not that cold hearted he kill those who try to mess up with him,but if someone tried to target his loved one's he won't compromise,so when while talking to taehyung he saw someone eyeing them from afar he became alert,he became J.K the mobboss whom world feared..


No i won't go...!(taehyung spoke stubbornly..

You are coming with me and that's Final "Taehyung".....!(jungkook spoke gritting his teeth making taehyung shiver..

M make me ..!(taehyung replied confidently..

Okay than don't say i didn't warned you...!(saying this jungkook pick taehyung up at his shoulder like sack and started to walk towards his car..

W hat are you doing shithead let me go ,put me down u monkey....!(taehyung whined while hitting jungkook with his small fist..

But jungkook without paying attention to Taehyung's whine kept walking until he reached at his car ,so without any further he put taehyung Inside the car ,and tied his seat belt hurriedly while getting inside too..

Y you are you kidnapping me please don't do this tattoo man sorry i won't ever ask you to let me sit beside windows,plz let me go my handsome hyungie will get wrinkles on his face while getting worried about him,and he w-..!(before taehyung spoke further jungkook put finger on taehyung's lip , making taehyung's eye's go wide..

I m telling you again bread cheeks, don't let your pretty lil mind worry so much,i m not kidnapping you but if you won't stop annoying me i will surely kick your ass,so be seated quietly without making any noice....!(jungkook spoke seeing intensely Inside taehyung's eyes..

And what made you think that i will obey you huh, tattoo man no-one can boss around taetae, taetae ain't fear nobody ,nd i know you won't do anything to me...!(taehyung spoke sassily swiping Jungkook's finger away from his lips, making jungkook chuckle and stare taehyung in amusement this cute lil boy is surely something else,he is making World renowned mobboss go crazy for him..

Why so sure hmm..?(jungkook asked making taehyung confuse..

Sure about what tattoo man.?(taehyung questioned..

That i won't harm you...?(jungkook asked while patiently waiting for taehyung's reply..

You might be a jerk , pervert and a big idiot but you aren't assholes nd most of all not a heartless person,my vibes say you aren't bad from heart ,but don't let this go around your head,cause this doesn't mean taetae wanna friends with you,not until you pass my vibe check...!(taehyung replied back..

Oh really than what does Tattoo man had to do ,so he can pass taetae's vibe check..?(jungkook questioned smiling..

Umm make taetae believe that you deserved to be taetae's friend...!(taehyung replied...

Ahh that's seems difficult but tattoo man won't give up , cause giving up isn't in jungkook's vocabulary...!(jungkook replied proudly..

Ohh that confident taetae liked it,well whatever drop me at home hyungie is waiting for me,i already told him that i coming with someone ,so now drop me fastly...!(taehyung said back...

Ohkay let's get you back home...!(jungkook replied driving off..

After 20 minutes of car drive they reached taehyung home..

Well thanks alot tattoo man for dropping me off, even though you forced me but still i being a kind person will thank you...!(taehyung spoke showing his boxy smile which melted jungkook's heart..

No need bread cheeks,i will do it thousands of time happily without getting bothered...!(Jungkook replied back showing his cute bunny smile which is only for taehyung..

Awwww your smile is soo cute tattoo man, atleast your two thing's passed my vibe check ...!(taehyung spoke enthusiasticaly...

Oh really what are they Bread cheeks....?(jungkook questioned resting his hand on his  seat which supported his side of head too

One is your heart and second is your Bunny like smile...!(taehyung giggle while answering back, making jungkook coooooo at him..

Finaly atleast you liked something in me, that's a relief...!(jungkook replied in dramatic way..

After there cute lil talk session , taehyung Finaly went outside of jungkook's car,he was walking at his home smiling ,but suddenly something click his head..

WAIT TATTOO MAN...!(taehyung shouted at jungkook who was about to drive away but stopped at taehyung call..

What happened bread cheeks..?(jungkook asked when taehyung came running back to him..

How The Hell Do You Know That I Live Here...?(taehyung asked arching his brows..

To be continued...


Hey my lovelies new chapter is up to read do votes and comments please ♥️💜♥️..

What will jungkook do now?? What's his answer going to be???

Love Saddy 💜

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