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(Author's pov)..

Taehyung was in bliss and why wouldn't he be,he was feeling like the most happiest person in this whole world, Jungkook wanted to spent his life with taehyung he didn't think twice before asking taehyung to be his fiance that's show how much jungkook love and respect taehyung, Taehyung was so excited , excited because he wanna reach mansion as soon as possible so he can inform to everyone that he is engaged now with none other than Jeon Jungkook..


Kooo drive fast ,you are being to slow i wanna reach home as soon as possible...!(taehyung spoke excitedly...

My bub few minutes more and we will be at Our Home,than you can Disclose to everyone about us being fiance okay...!(jungkook spoke carresing taehyung's hairs..

Okay koo but please fast, I can't keep this information with me anymore i wanna tell our hyungie's , especially that Cat like mafia Hyung...!(taehyung spoke pouting..

Aigoo baby Yoongi already asked for your forgiveness and it's shocking cause this is the first time Yoongi apologized to someone, now don't be so salty on him...!(jungkook uttered chuckling..

I am not salty koo,But that cat like hyung always ignore taetae,he didn't even coo at my cuteness, even though he asked for my forgiveness but he still is so grumpy and moody ,god knows how Minnie is tolerating him...!(taehyung spoke cutely..

Okay my bub ,if you want everyone to coo at your cuteness,than i will order everyone to coo at you,now smile Beautiful..!(jungkook spoke tickling taehyung who laughed loudly..


HYUNGIEEE'S....!(taehyung shouted loudly running inside the Mansion followed by jungkook..

Taehyung screamed this loudly that poor yoongi who was peacefully sleeping on jimin's lap fall directly on ground with loud thud..

What w hat happened,is it Earthquake or what,why are you shouting loudly..?(namjoon asked coming out from kitchen covered with flour from head to toe and behind him it was jin who was carrying a rolling Pin on his hand..

And between all this mess one person was sitting quietly, the one who is always so bubbly and happy ,the one whose smiles lit thousands of Chandelier up was Gloomy ,yes Hobi wasn't that hobi which everyone knows..

What happened taebear ?, why are you shouting ? Everything is fine right, this bunny like mafia here didn't do anything right,if i am wrong than joonie go inside kitchen and bring my pink spatula I will make his bum turn red...!(jin said glaring at jungkook..

Oh freak why are you always after my Bum...?(jungkook questioned rolling his eyes..

Hyungieee leave my koko's bum alone , my koo is my sweetheart he can never do anything wrong with me, instead today he made me the world most happiest person...!(taehyung spoke smiling showing his wide boxy smile which got jungkook whipped..

Oh really so what will we do knowing what he did to make you happy, because of your bull like scream ,i fall hardly on floor now my ass hurts...!(yoongi spoke being grumpy..

But aren't you the top yoongs? Then why your bum hurts..?(namjoon asked getting confused..

Are you a tubelight or what,i explained already because of this kid i fall on floor,nd look i can't even walk properly now,my bum probably got swelled...!(yoongi spoke huffing angrily in cute way though..

Why the hell everyone is Talking about "Bum" only huh, atleast hear from taetae what he wanna say...!(jimin interupted other's..

Yes jimin is right here,you tell taebear what happened..?

Umm Well i am "Engaged" now...!(taehyung said shyly showing his ring finger to everyone..

WHAT, WHEN, WHERE...?(jin screamed while other were shock except hobi and taehyung was noticing change in hobi's behaviour..

U mm today koo proposed me to be his fiance and I agreed...!(taehyung spoke smiling ,still eyeing hobi , whose face wasn't showing any kind of emotions..

Hearing taehyung's confession Everyone congratulated them except hobi, they all were happy for taehyung and Jungkook..

Sunshine hyung won't you congratulate us..?(taehyung asked to hobi smiling slightly..

Huh hmm ,y eah c ongratulations to you both,stay happy and blessed...!(saying this hobi walk out leaving confused taehyung behind..

To be continued..


Hey guys new chapter is up to read do votes and comments hope you enjoy reading it 💜🙏..

Umm what's wrong with Hobi 🤔🤔??

Love Saddy 💜

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