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(Author's pov)...

Taehyung was shock because of jungkook's sudden attack on him,like for 5 minutes he kept sitting on jungkook's lap where jungkook tighten his hold on taehyung, smirking from inside..

Ahhh you pervert let me go or else I will shout, leave me idiot...!(taehyung spoke hitting jungkook with his small fist, trying to hold jungkook's collar..

"Bread cheeks" is kinky trying to choke me huh..?(jungkook spoke smirking..

Choki! YAH WHAT THE HELL YOU SHAMELESS HUMAN , why would i choke you huh??..!(taehyung asked , understanding hidden meaning behind jungkook's word..

Well Bread cheeks,you are the one who tried to grab my neck when i had my eye's close while sitting on my lap, exactly on my you know main part,woah that sounds sexy...!(jungkook said teasing taehyung even more...

You really are a shameful person, trying to hit on me,but listen Tattoo man that ain't going to happen,you can't make taetae a fool ,i won't fall for your cheesy talks..!(taehyung spoke proudly still sitting on jungkook's lap..

So sad Bread Cheeks,you broked my heart,i thought i had a chance with you,well no problem don't fall for me cheesy talk,fall for my handsome face...!(jungkook spoke with lil smirk..

Hand hahah Handsome What?haha you haha are funny tattoo man ,so damn funny ,if you are handsome than i am Prime minister of Korea hahaha..!(taehyung spoke laughing but internally he knows the man isn't saying any lie,he is Handsome so damn handsome,and jungkook who would have kill other person if he/she were on place of taehyung, but seeing taehyung's unique smile , jungkook's heart once again started to beat loudly,he was so mesmerized by taehyung's laugh, that he forgot to blink, which taehyung found hella creepy ,cause jungkook was continuesly gazing him..

Tattoo Man,ummmm tattoo man...!(taehyung call jungkook ..

Yeah..?(jungkook asked still staring taehyung..

You are staring,so stop cause it's kinda creepy to me..!(taehyung replied back..

How can i not when your smile is spreading light everywhere...!(jungkook spoke to taehyung , making him feel shy..

A are uhh ,umm are you somehow trying to flirt with me tattoo man??(taehyung's asked arching his brows

Is it working Bread cheeks..?(jungkook asked teasingly..

HELL NO,you creep leave me ..!(taehyung said once again..

Bread cheeks just admit you want to sit on my lap,cause according to me i loosened my grip on you minutes' ago and you still aren't getting up, now see you are blaming me ,it isn't fair..!(jungkook spoke showing fake pout..

Stop you look like duck making those faces,and who said i want to sit on your lap,i will sit here only but not on your lap, wait and watch..!(taehyung spoke sassily getting up from jungkook's lap, calling Air Hostess..

Yes sir do you need something..?(Air hostess asked..

Yes,i need this man out from my seat ,he isn't letting me sit on seat ...!(taehyung complaint about jungkook to Air hostess, which jungkook still found so cute..

Umm Sir can you show me your boarding pass??(Air hostess asked..

Yes ,see here A-4...!(taehyung showed his boarding pass to air hostess, than she did same with jungkook and checked his boarding pass to..

Sir sorry for the inconvenience,but let me check on my record sir, cause maybe this is miss print...!(saying this airhostess walked away, leaving a smirking jungkook and glaring taehyung behind..

After whole 5 minutes Airhostess came back smiling politely..

Sorry sir, but can i ask Who is Jeon Jungkook..?(Airhostess asked and jungkook pointed at him..

So you are Kim Taehyung right sir..?(airhostess asked to taehyung to which he replied with a nod, and jungkook smiled hearing taehyung's name..

Well sir it was a mistake A-4 the window seat belongs to Jeon Jungkook only and your Seat is next to him A-5, like i said it was misprinting,we apologise sir, have a good journey ahead..!(saying this Airhostess went away..

Bloody hell, can't they print in correctly, taking 20000 won and still not doing there work properly, idiotic fool,i wasted my precious half n hour in arguing with this Tattoo Man,and atlast it was me who got embarrassed...!(taehyung mumbled to himself angrily, unaware that jungkook was hearing him being amazed by him..

Hahahahahahah,you are cute you know...!(jungkook spoke laughing and taehyung eyed him knitting his brows..

Who are you calling cute and why the fuck are you showing your yellow teeths to me...?(taehyung asked angrily..

That's rude taetae you know...!(jungkook spoke smiling..

Taetae, how do you know my nick name , tell me are you a spy or something..?(taehyung asked to Jungkook..

Well Bread Cheeks it was you, who mentioned yourself as taetae in our argument and for me i am very keen observer..!(jungkook replied , again getting comfortable on his seat..

Umm Tattoo man...!(taehyung call jungkook while giving a nudje to his shoulder..

Now what Bread cheeks??(jungkook asked facing taehyung ,who was now showing his puppy eye's making jungkook coo internally..

Umm do you ,i mean would you like to exchange our seat,i wanna sit on window one...!(taehyung asked cutely..

Awwww Bread cheeks so cute,but how about No...!(jungkook replied smiling fakely..

How rude of you tattoo man, can't you let a cute man sit on window side,you are all grown up ,let me sit there...!(taehyung spoke pouting cutely..

Hmmm you are right though but hoe about still No.!(jungkook spoke to taehyung..

You are rude mf...!(taehyung murmured, forgetting his rudeness while ago 😁😁😁😁😁

Well Bread Cheeks...!(jungkook call taehyung..

WHAT..?(taehyung ask angrily..

I can't exchange my seat,but can share,offer still is available...!(jungkook spoke controlling his laugh..

YOU,Ahhhhhh God why i am stuck with this Pervert...!(taehyung spoke putting hand on his head..

To be continued..


Hey Lovelies new update is here, read,votes and comments..💜💜💜

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Love Saddy 💜

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