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(Author's pov)

Love make you do things, which you never in your whole damn life thought will do, love is childish, love is pure,love is heaven, love is pure blessing, love is love, Lucky are those who are with there loved ones,Love doesn't needs to be perfect it just has to be true..

Taehyung believe ,he will fall for that someone who won't be just proud to have him,but will risk everything to be with him, and taehyung found that someone in jungkook, and now that he found his true love he won't let him go...


Calm down there bread cheeks, why so angry ,i was just stating fact which was utter truth,you don't have to be rude...!(jungkook said walking after taehyung who was walking rather fastly..

You don't need to tell me what to do or what not to, just shut your damn mouth and keep following me...!(taehyung spoke angrily..

Who is the Mafia here,you or me...?(jungkook huffed..

Did you say something...!(taehyung asked..

I don't wanna die this soon,...!(jungkook spoke pouting..

You maybe a Mafia Mr J.K,but i am the one who will Own this Mafia...!(taehyung said to himself smiling...

Now do you said something..?(jungkook asked..

Yeah so what,i will say whatever i wanna say,nd you will listen to me okay....!(taehyung said glaring..

Fuck my life ,the heck i am Mafia,see him treating me like a puppy....!(jungkook mumbled to himself whining..


After walking for 10 minutes straight they reached at park,the park was Beautiful and calm ...

Now go and sit there...!(taehyung spoke pointing at a bench..

Okay master...!(jungkook said nodding his head..

M a ster , whom did you called master..?(taehyung asked blushing..

Ofcourse you who else,no one would even dare to treat me,The Jeon Jungkook like a Puppy , and here you are treating me like that and fun part i am loving it...!(Jungkook said smiling while settling himself on bench..

That's what I want to ask,why Jungkook...?(taehyung spoke seriously , making jungkook frowned cause this was the first time taehyung called him by his name..

W what why Bread cheeks...?(Jungkook asked with curiosity..

Why aren't you killing me ,when i am treating you like a puppy huh? Why are you enjoying my this kind of behaviour with you?,why are you letting me do whatever I wanna do,Why just WHY?....!(taehyung asked seeing through Jungkook's eyes..

Because you can bread cheeks,i allowed you to behave the way you wanna behave with me,but only you no-one else..!(Jungkook said casually , still not understanding what taehyung actually wanted to listen from his mouth, making him pissed..

That's what i am asking Jungkook, WHY ME ? WHY NO-ONE ELSE...?(taehyung asked getting annoyed..

Because you are my friend taehyung , and there is no honorifics between friends , that's why...!(jungkook spoke making taehyung heart break into pieces..

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