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(Author's pov)..

Jungkook was excited to show taehyung that he can fulfill his desire if he wants to see big guns than he will see it,if watching guns can bring smile on taehyung's face , jungkook will do that for him..


Atleast tell me where are we going Tattoo man,you can't drag me like this where ever you want....!(taehyung spoke pouting..

You are so impatient Bread cheeks, can't you sit quietly for few minutes,..!(jungkook replied while driving the car...

Whatever ,just drive fast if hyungie come earlier than me at home, than he surely will kill me....!(taehyung mumbled back)..

No one can touch you until i am here with you than killing is far away ...!(jungkook spoke confidently...

Yeah sure everyone is tiger, until they meet Kim Seokjin,you wouldn't even know,and he will make your bum turn Red, because Hyungie's pink spatula is so strong...!(taehyung replied back....

Ohh Bread cheeks are you comparing spatula with gun???(jungkook asked smirking ...

No i am comparing Kim Seokjin's Pink Spatula and Pink slippers...!(taehyung replied making jungkook confused..

What do you even mean,what kind of shitty comparison is this..??(jungkook asked...

You will found it shitty until you got beating from either one of them,so stop questioning and drive...!(taehyung said back...

Well i wasn't cooking Bread cheeks,the work i am doing currently is known as Driving, unless you had named it something else....! jungkook replied back huffing..


Where are we Tattoo man..?(taehyung eyed a big mansion with wide eyes..

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We are at "Our Home"...!(Jungkook replied smiling, wouldn't even paying attention to what he was saying...

Huh our home...?(taehyung asked getting confused...

Umm i mean my home,,for now...!(jungkook mumbled last part to himself..

Ohhh i must say your Bunglow is Unique i like it,but it doesn't make me forget to ask you that why i am here for...?(taehyung asked arching his brows..

For your compliment thank you,and for why you are here you will know, let's go inside first' bread cheeks...!(jungkook spoke getting inside while taehyung followed him..

So here it is ,Gun's of your choice...!(jungkook spoke opening the door with his both hand..

Woah,wow,...!(taehyung spoke excitedly eyeing jungkook's weapon room...

!(taehyung spoke excitedly eyeing jungkook's weapon room

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Is this weapon room is yours Tattoo man...?(taehyung asked smiling widely..

Yeah it is, because I am a Mafia Bread cheeks,either good or bad i am mafia and weapons are main part of my life...!(jungkook replied sincerely..

That's so cool, well thank you so much for bringing me here Tattoo man,i owe this one to you...!(taehyung spoke showing his wide boxy smile..

I m glad you enjoyed,and no you don't owe me anything,if this lil things can make you happy than i m glad that i m the one fulfilling your lil desire..!(jungkook spoke staring deep into taehyung eyes making him shiver..

Y you are so confusing Tattoo man do you know, sometimes i am unable to understand that what are you even trying to say...!(taehyung replied Back..

Again no need to stress your pretty lil mind, let's get you back to your home , it's already late and i don't want my bum to turn swelled and i can't afford it , cause being a mafia most of the time's i have to sit on chair...!(jungkook spoke making taehyung giggle..

Okay okay let's go...!(taehyung spoke smiling..

You look pretty when you smile bread cheeks...!(jungkook spoke dreamingly...

Huh ...?(taehyung asked stopping in mid way..

I was saying keep smiling cause smiling suits you..!(jungkook replied back...

Aaa uh t thanks i guess...!(taehyung spoke turning into human tomato...

Cute...!(jungkook murmured walking away..


Within 10 minutes jungkook and taehyung were infront of taehyung's house and by grace of God ,jin stilk wasn't at home..

Thank you for today Tattoo man, i enjoyed the day with you...!(taehyung spoke shyly, while getting confused by thinking that why is he even shy..

No need Bread cheeks,well i wanna ask one thing before you go...!(jungkook said..

And what it is,..?(taehyung asked back..

Well as you know that i am a mafia and i have your full information even i have your phone number too,but consent is something,so i wanna ask you now that i have your mobile no already can i save it and call you..?(jungkook asked hopefully..

Umm are you sure You are a Mafia...?(taehyung asked smirking..

Huh,y yes i am why do you ask..?(jungkook replied back..

Well you doesn't seems one, and about my number when you already got my information without my consent than why don't try to be lil brave and call me without my consent..!(taehyung spoke sassily walking away not before patting jungkook's shoulder,who had his jaw dropped..

Cause Taehyung sure is making him think twice , who is the actual mafia him or Taehyung...?

To be continued...


Hey my lovey dovey's new update is here do read vote and comment please 🙏🙏🙏 and kindly ignore my mistakes...

Jungkook is already wrapping around taehyung's lil finger🤫🤫😁 😁..

Love Saddy 💜

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