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(Author's pov)..

Watching taehyung pouting cutely jungkook heart started to beat fastly,he was well aware that this cute lil boy was making home inside his heart, Jungkook never in his life have falled for someone , cause he knows once he does,there is no going back, he will let go of Everything for the person he love,and niether his busy life full of blood ,fear of losing life and violence gave him chance ever too fall in Love,but Destiny is something else,if Destiny wants no-one can stop one from falling in love,cause we don't fall in love it just happens,to anyone and anywhere ,like it happened with Jungkook inside that plane,cause he knows "Heart always found the one with whom it wanted to fall in love with" and Jungkook's heart have choosen Taehyung..

Hey my bread cheeks...!(jungkook spoke standing beside taehyung..

YOU again ,you Pervert tattoo man,..!(taehyung spoke pouting even more..

Don't pout Bread cheeks, it make me wanna bite your chubby cheeks and rosy lips..!(jungkook spoke huskily..

Ewwwww WTF dude that's so nasty ...!(taehyung replied making faces..

Awwww Bread cheeks don't break my fragile heart by being rude...!(jungkook spoke in baby voice..

You don't have fragile heart, you are so so dumb and cold and idiot and pervert and rude and many more,you you didn't let me sit on window seat even when i was asking cutely, if someone else was on your place they would have jump out of window to let this cute boy sit on window seat, but u being cold ass didn't let me sit there and than u have audacity to flirt with me...!(taehyung blabbered and jungkook ohhh poor kook all this time kept looking taehyung with heart eye's without even blinking..

man,tattoo man...!(taehyung spoke while giving a nudje on jungkook's shoulder who was drown in taehyung's beauty..

Huh...?(jungkook asked confusedly..

Are you here or what ?? Why you always stare me like this, tell me tell me...?(taehyung questioned crossing his hands on his waist..

There is no tax on staring bread cheeks'....!(jungkook spoke while flicking taehyung's chin ,who cutely pushed kook's hands away..

Why am i even talking to you,ahhh you will make me go crazy...!(taehyung said glaring jungkook,who found that glare so immensely cute..

Aish bread cheeks,i know i am hansome and u had started to fall for me but please don't go crazy,you are so young to go mad....!(jungkook spoke faking his concern..

I will kill you Jerk,just just go away, why are you even here for,Are you following me...?(taehyung asked suspecting kook..

Again my Bread cheeks is daydreaming,you are so full of yourself bread cheeks, well my way and your way of reaching destination is Same,so i thought why travel alone when i can have a beautiful partner with me...!(jungkook replied winking at taehyung who turned into a human tomato but kept his angry postures and face..

Sorry not sorry but i ain't alone my hyungie is coming to pick me up,you go and find someone else to accompan you...!(taehyung replied back sassily..

If not you than No-one bread cheeks...!(jungkook mumbled but taehyung Heard..

Huh, what are you mumbling to yourself..? taehyung asked..

Nothing Bread cheeks, it's getting late come i will drop you,why trouble your hyung when i can be your personal driver+bodyguard+lover+friend+husband+whatever you want...!(jungkook spoke non-stop..

Hello Hello Hello have some break you are going superfast,hell i won't be friends with you ,than who said anything about being lover, I won't fall for your tricks...!(taehyung replied confidently..

We will see about that,but for now let me drop you Bread cheeks it's getting late and this area isn't safe...!(jungkook spoke with sincerity..

Nope,no , Never I won't go with you and that's final...!(taehyung said stubbornly..

Come on Bread cheeks , it's not the time to play games ,you are coming with me and it's final...!(jungkook replied, his voice changing and eye's getting dark,his inner mafia was waking which he never wanted taehyung to see..

To be continued...


Hey lovely jublies new chapter is up to read do votes and comments my Beautiful readers ♥️♥️💜💜..

Why jungkook got angry and tensed suddenly any idea🤔🤔🤔..

Love Saddy 💜

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