After Hours

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Onika stays after hours and encounters a figure she's never seen before.

No G!P


Onika stared at her computer screen as usual. She was tired, and was honestly ready to go home. She had to stay late, she'd be getting paid for it but it didn't make it all that much better.

Onika sighed to herself slouching in her chair. Onikas plan wasn't to stay late and finish reports—her plan was to snuggle with her cat and watch Netflix for a good start to the weekend. "It's not like I have anyone to go home to.." Onika said a little sad.

She didn't have anyone to go home to—no one but her cat and chinese takeout from the previous night.

She heard a little knock on her office door and she looked up to see practically her only friend, Lauren. "Hey girl, you good?" Lauren asked sitting on Onikas desk.

Onika sighed and shrugged. "I guess. I gotta stay late—I haven't pulled an all-nighter since college." Onika said.

"Damn—sorry about that hun. Ooh—what if you encounter Sasha Firce?"Lauren asked whispering aggressively and Onika rolled her eyes.

"Why do you guys believe that dumb ghost story? And what kind of name is that?"Onika asked.

"Sasha Fierce" was said to be a ghost by some—a vampire by the people that are too obessed with twilight—and a myth by Onika.

It all started when a security guard a few months ago said he was working late and encountered a woman that looked ghostly and all she did was whisper—he claimed she tried to kill him and he ran out screaming. They say he quiet right after that.

"It's not dumb! What if it's real?" Lauren asked and Onika rolled her eyes again. "It's not real." Onika said firmly.

"Well whatever it was scared that security guard so bad he quit." Lauren whispered.

"This is New York Lauren, dude probably did drugs or something. Every heard of a bad trip?Stop trying to scare me. " Onika directed and Lauren shrugged smiling.

"They say, first you feel like someone's watching you—then everything suddenly feels colder—and all you'll hear is a whisper and see a flash of green before she gets ya!"Lauren said jumping to scare Onika at the end. "Not funny!" Onika said when she was actually a little caught off guard.

"I thought it would be interesting to hear! Plus you need some excitement in your life.." Lauren said clicking her tounge against the roof of her mouth and Onik quirked an eyebrow.

"What do you mean by that?" Onika asked and Lauren gave her a bored look. "Girl, you're turning 30 this December. No man? No woman? No—no one? When was the last time you let someone hit?" Lauren asked and Onika shushed her slighty embarrassed as a light red was visible on her brown skin.

"Ooooh—Ms. Serious is all blushing now." Lauren said teasing Onika and Onika groaned. "Shut up." She said firmly.

It was true—Onika hadn't let anyone "hit" in awhile. She can confidently say it's been a year and some months since she's had sex. "I just—maybe I don't want that right now Lauren." Onika said crossing her arms firmly.

She was lying.

Onika hasn't been laid since her last boyfriend and had previously stated that was awhile ago. After getting cheated twice and not being stupid enough to go back for a 3rd round she broke up with him.

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