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Onika Tanya Maraj
Beyoncé Giselle Knowles

Onika looked down at her food, and then her phone. She wasn't interested in the conversation before her.

She was waken up from a nap she deserved after previously getting up early, just to be disturbed for something she wasn't even interested in.

She texted her only real friend and older sister, Ming.

3:24 pm

Why mommy and daddy wake me up from my nap to go to a country club??

that's how they are lmao💀 you with your future wife??

Onika rolled her eyes at the comment. She was sure her parents wanted them —Onika on the other hand wasn't so sure.

say that shit again 😒

that what beyoncé b asking u? 💀💀same tone n everything?

blocking your ass, don't ask me to cover for you no more💀

don't do me like that stink stink ☹️

Onika closed her phone and tried to contain her attitude as she slouched deeper in her chair. She kept her eyes down, making sure not to make eye contact with the other young woman across from her.

"Oh she was excellent, isn't that right Onika?" She heard and she had to pretend like she was listening.

"I'm sure Onika knows how amazing she was, she was there first hand after all." She heard a smooth voice with a hint of southern say.

Her eyes set on the young woman across from her, Beyoncé Giselle Knowles. Hazel eyes, that appeared so innocent—but Onika couldn't fathom why the girl annoyed her so much.

"Oh Beyoncé you're so sweet." Carol, Onikas mother expressed. Onika wanted to sigh and roll her eyes but she had no real evidence against Beyoncé.

Onika and Beyoncé attend a prestigious private school, but they were out for the summer. Meaning her parents were going everywhere and only took Onika to the places she didn't even want to go to.

Beyoncé and Onika were stars at their school—But there was a difference between the two.

One of them entertained the popularity she gained, the other was known to be cold as Ice—regardless of how many people knew her.

"I'm sure she'll continue to succeed, won't you Onika?" She heard her father ask and she sat up in her seat at the sound of his voice.

"Yes father, I will." She said and he seemed satisfied. She glanced to the side to roll her eyes.

They were referencing to Onikas Volleyball win, she personally thought it was easy—and was convinced the other team was just uncoordinated.

Onika played a variety of sports, volleyball, tennis, and badminton. Onika enjoyed each one, and was pretty content with her extracurriculars.

Till Beyoncé.

"Oh, Beyoncé what sport have immersed yourself in this summer?" Her mother asked and Onika opened her phone back up, she had to have some kind of mobile game on their.

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