Playing Cupid II

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Onika Tanya Maraj


Onika was walking to her locker, pushing past everyone in her way. Being a short junior didn't really help. The halls quickly cleared out by the time she made it to her locker.

She opened her locker, and was surprised to see a red envelope.

She looked to her left, and right. Only seeing wandering people who didn't suspect to leave a envelope.

She picked it up, feeling it's texture—she was a little confused. Maybe it was from the school? Or the kids from student council? Sometimes they leave notices in students lockers.

She opened the envelope in curiosity.

She wasn't expecting a letter, it looked like it was typed on a typewriter. Onika always liked traditional gestures.

My dearest,

I've been meaning to tell you this for awhile, someone of your stature should be treated with care.

You shine brighter than any star in the sky, you make my heart pound—as if it's going to burst out of my chest every-time I'm fortunate enough to lay my eyes on you—and bask in your glory.

So will you allow me, to take you out Friday Night?

-Sincerely, your secret admirer.

Onika read the note over and over.

Before crumbling it up and walking to the nearest trash can to throw it away.

"Must be the wrong locker."She laughed to herself a bit, she was sure it was some joke if someone did mean to put it in there.No one wanted to be her Valentine.

Meanwhile Beyonce who was hiding behind a wall with Ming sighed.

Beyoncé got up and started pacing, "I'm skipping history for this ya know?" Beyoncé said slightly annoyed.

"You were gonna skip it anyways dumbass. Listen—she didn't like the note. So maybe it's time for a new approach.." Ming mumbled.

"I don't get it—when we were friends she would go on and on about how she'd want someone to write her a love letter." Beyoncé mumbled and ming shook her head.

"She probably thought it wasn't for her." Ming sighed, Onika didn't usually get gifts.

"It has to be signed. Onika doesn't like unknown gestures she's suspicious of literally everything." Ming said tapping her foot.

"You can't message her for obvious reasons. We gotta try the note thing again. But be specific that it's for her." Ming stated.


Onika was sitting on her couch while doing homework, she was home alone. Her mother and sister were both at work.

She heard a knock on her door and looked at it a little suspicious. She assumed it was probably for her mother or for Ming.

She stood up, setting her note book down. "Who is it?" She called. "Flowers for Onika Maraj?" She heard on the other side and her face scrunched up.

She opened the door to see a delivery man with the flowers in his hand, "It has a letter attached to it as well. I need you to sign her to confirm you received it." He said and Onika slowly took the flowers.

They were—carnations. Onikas favorite flower.

"Hey lady, I ain't got all day." He rushed and Onika signed quickly before shutting the door. The flowers smelled heavenly.

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