Find Your Way Back

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Onika is 17 walking to really nowhere one night.


Onika walked by herself through the streets of Houston as she munched on her candy bar—it was 12am—on a summer night.

Her farther decided to move right after all the schools in Houston got met out for summer break.

She didn't exactly care about school—she never planned on making it to 17 to begin with—she honestly thought she'd kill herself by now.

but now her farther is bugging her about college—and "becoming something in life".

She always thought it was ironic for him to say that.

She continued walking—Onika moved to Houston—only coming from New York 2 weeks ago. Her farther thought it could be a new start for them.

He got a new job—got clean—and promised to be a better dad to Onika.

"What a bullshitter.." She mumbled. She didn't believe a word her farther said—he was known for lying—well breaking promises. Ever since her mom died he hasn't been himself. And sometimes takes it out on Onika.

She took another bite out of her snickers bar as she stood in the middle of the quiet street.

"I'm lost." She says outloud.

She didn't mean mentally or any shit like that because Onika refuses to believe she needs help in anyway—she means lost as she doesn't know where the fuck she is.

She looked around and saw a few stores that were open—some houses—she saw a particular large area that looked hollowed out somewhat—she walked towards out of pure curiosity.

As she got closer she realized it was a skate park.

"This lame ass town has a skate park?" She asked outloud.

"Yeah—crazy right?" She heard from behind her—she jumped and immediately her instinct was to punch the unknown person in the face but her fist came in contact with a skateboard instead.

"Damn shorty! You ain't gotta fight me this ain't Compton or whatever the hell you're ass is from." The taller girl said. Onika backed up to get a good look at her. The street lights provided some light.

She was tall—had hazel eyes and blonde curly hair.

"Who the hell are you?" Onika asked and the taller girl laughed a little bit. "I was wondering the same thing." The mysterious girl said back.

"You were wondering who you were? Dumbass." Onika stated and the other girl gave a mini gasp. "That's so mean! Call me it again." She said smiling—using her skateboard to prop herself up.

Onika scrunched her face up. The girl was weird to her. "Anyways I was gonna say a young girl like you probably shouldn't be on this street—but since you have the fist of mini hulk I think you'd be fine actually." The girl stated peering down at Onika.

"How old do you think I am?" Onika asked. The girl looked Onika up and down and Onika never liked being looked at—or giving people the chance to judge her.

"About 5-6 years old. You're short." The girl said with a grin and Onika groaned. She hated the short jokes. "Leave me the fuck alone." Onika mumbled walking away she didn't notice where she was walking to.

Just then she felt a tug on her wrist and she was pulled towards the girl—she wasn't expecting to be pulled and the taller girl wasn't prepared for the weight of another human and ended up falling on her back with Onika.

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