Melancholy Melodies II

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Onika stared out her window, the stars gleamed bright tonight, and the moon was in a crescent shape.

She sat and looked down at her piano—it was really her mothers.

She sighed looking down at her keys—and her fingers. She sat in her mothers old sweater, it hung off her shoulders—but it was made out of soft cotton—it was priceless to her just like everything her mother ever touched and owned.

When she was in this state of mind, she was aware of everything.

Aware of her breathing—aware of her socks as they planted on the floor—aware of every loose curl that didn't stay in her bun she had in her head.

Her farther was out, working. He worked late to provide for his family—even though it was just him and his daughter now.

Onika has seen the affects of loosing her mother and his wife take a tole on him. He isn't himself. He isn't as happy. She started taking the gigs for him. She wanted to see if she could make his life a little easier.

Onika loved her father—they bonded—but nowadays she feels lost.

She tried writing more songs but—she was stuck.

She had too much going on in her mind for her to focus on "happy" music. She loves making music she can enjoy but she feels like her narrative has changed.

Her gigs are making her money, and she knows her farther is enjoying it. He was finally able to fix up the house a bit and brought Onika a knew bench to sit at for her piano but—

She prefers the one her mother used to sit on.

No matter how many small cracks it has—or how the paint has faded over time—it makes her happy.

She knew she had a show tonight, in about 3 hours.

She thought back to last week, that girl.

Onika blushed as she thought about the girl. She was pretty, just like tae said. Tall, blonde with curly hair—she was sweet too. She seemed to think Onika was cool—something the girl wasn't used to.

She was quiet, she had too many home things going on for her to focus on friends.

"Gosh Onika get it together.." Onika said to herself shaking her thoughts off. "Focus!" She said attempting to get her mind back on track.

She began to play.

Years Earlier..

Onika heard a soft melody spread throughout her house and being the child she was she couldn't ignore it.

She took her teddy bear, and gently stepped out of her bed. Her room consisted of drawings of her her mother and farther—glow stars all around her room—and her stuffed animals.

She put on her fuzzy monster slippers still listening to the soft melody.

She reached for her bedroom door knob, turning it as quietly as she could before stepping out as quietly as she could and shutting it.

She walked through the hallway of her upstairs and slowly descended down the stairs, the sound sounded clearer.

She went toward their living room and that's when she it.


Her mother.

She had her back towards her, playing her notes as she hummed. Onika watched in awe, holding her teddy bear tightly.

The piano continued to play, she slid down the wall like she always did listening to the delicate sound. Onika did this every time she heard the piano play.

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