After School

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Beyonce gets hired at a new school.

"Oh and then this is the gym." The principal introduced as he talked and walked fast. Beyoncé had a little trouble keeping up.

She had just been hired at a K-8 school. She decided she wanted a break from her old life—she wanted to start somewhere new so she decided to move to Nevada.

She found a job at a local school, and was now attempting to pay attention to her bosses tour of the place. That she was already loosing interest in.

"You'll get used to it all—your classroom is on the 2nd floor room 205, I hope you enjoy your career here at Oakleigh Academy." He said holding out his hand and Beyoncé took it as they shook hands.

She still didn't know where anything was.

"Will do Mr. Johnson." Beyoncé said slighty saluting, "Oh you're funny. Your 8th graders will like that." He said and Beyoncés smile dropped, "8th graders?" She asked.

She thought she'd be teaching younger kids—they'd be too innocent to annoy her.

"Oh you'll be teaching the older kids—did I leave that out earlier?" He asked and Beyoncé knew he must have. "You must have." She mumbled.

"Oh you'll be fine. They aren't that bad." He said quickly speed walking away and Beyoncé thought the guy was just sketchy for a principal.

She was now standing in front of the gym, trying to find the stairs to the 2nd floor. She went to a K-8 school for about 2 years and she knew the higher floors had the higher grades.

She pulled at the collar of her button up nervously. "Crap I should've just  kept teaching broke college students." She mumbled before hearing a soft voice behind her.

"Who are you?" She heard and she turned around and then whne she saw no one she was confused.

"Down here." She heard and she looked down to see a little girl. She had braids in her hair, with overalls and sneakers.

"You look lost." She said innocently  and she wasn't completely wrong. "Me? What? Pssh. Im not lost." Beyoncé said and the girl giggled.

"You're totally lost." She responded and Beyoncé rolled her eyes smiling a bit. The kid was cute. She looked around 11.

"Okay maybe I am." Beyoncé admited and the girl reached out her hand. Beyoncé looked at it a little puzzled.

"Take my hand dummy." She said and Beyoncé scrunched her face up. This kid was pretty blunt.

"Why should I? You just called me a dummy." Beyoncé responded. The girl pouted and Beyoncé rolled her eyes before taking her hand.

"Where are you trying to get to?" She asked. "To room 205." Beyoncé responded and the girls face lit up. "I know where that is!" She said and she quickly sped up making Beyoncé run with her.

Beyoncé thought this kid was pretty fast, and she led her to a stairwell and raced up it. She laughed a bit.

"Before we go..." The kid trailed off and then directed Beyoncé into a room.

"M— Ms. Maraj! Look at who I found!" The kid said excitingly. Beyoncé looked up and her eyes widened—and she felt like time slowed down for a moment.

A woman looked up and Beyoncé can confidently say she's the most beautiful woman Beyoncé had ever seen.

She had long eyelashes, plump lips, her hair was black and cascaded down her back. Her eyes were a dark brown, and were directed to the little girl.

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