Back, And Forth.

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*Based off my favorite Tv show, "SuperStore"

Beyoncé gets hired at superstore called Cloud 9, and her first day isn't the greatest.


Beyoncé sat in the store, and surprisingly this was where her interview was.

She sat at a fake picnic area, she could clearly tell this is where they sold camping supplies. She looked at the man infront of looking at her resume.

"So..your name is Beyoncé—very unique. I like it."He comments and Beyoncé just gives him a light smile, "Thanks—my mom gave it to me."Beyoncé said and it was awkward silence till the guy got her joke.

"Oh! Oh you are a very funny one! I like that." He said and Beyoncé just awkwardly chuckled.

"Well my name is Danny. okay you resume looks nice—but on here it doesn't appear you've mentioned anything personal about yourself." He mentioned and she squinted.

"Well my government name, address, and the college I intend is on there." She stated in a duh tone.

"Well yeah I know but—here it doesn't say you have a err..boyfriend of any sorts—you are a heterosexual right?"

She was not.

"Are you even allowed to ask me that?"

She asked and he back peddled. "No-No i am not..You're hired!" He exclaimed before getting up and speed walking away.

Beyoncé just blinked. "Guess I'm hired." She mumbled looking around before awkwardly getting up. She decided to try and find an actual manager.

As she wandered through the store, she saw a woman attempting to pick up abunch of toilet paper packs and clearly bumped into.

Beyoncé smiled a bit and attempted to try and help her, "Oh—you really don't have to I'm sorry—" Beyoncé heard a soft voice say and she looked up a bit to a see a fairly attractive woman.

She had curly black hair, she could tell by the two strands in the front and her bun in the back. She could tell she had dimples—her facial expression showed the cute dents.

"Oh it's no problem. I work here!" Beyoncé exclaimed and the woman's eyes widened slightly. " here?" She asked and Beyoncé could tell she was a little puzzled.

"Yeah I do, it's my first day actually. I know—I don't seem like I'd work in a place like this." Beyoncé stated flashing her pearly whites—she'd take the chance to flirt with this obviously attractive woman.

"Oh—yeah. I wouldn't have guessed." She stated standing up straight, still holding toilet paper on her hand.

"Right, I mean this place is a dump."The woman stated with a light smile while crossing her arms.

"It seriously is. And I haven't met all the employees but if they're anything like that loser that interviewed me..may not be the most fun." Beyoncé said playfully

"Yeah I mean, who would willingly work here? Would've never guessed someone of your stature would." She said in response to Beyoncé.

"Yeah I get that, but you gotta do what you gotta do. College debt isnt gonna pay off itself!"

"Oh you're in college? I am too. You must know how much that college debt hurts your pockets." The woman said up at Beyoncé.

"Oh yeah I sure do—maybe we should talk a little quieter or..somewhere else entirely..wouldn't wanna offend the other employees." Beyoncé suggested and the woman hummed and nodded.

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