Break A Leg

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Beyonces hurt, Onika helps.

Beyoncé sat in her bed reading—she couldn't exactly do much.

"This sucks." She said sighing. Laying her back against her plush pillows. Beyonce hasn't been able to do much. Her mother won't let her which is understandable.

She looked around her room, it was messy and she would've cleaned it if she knew she was going to have to sit in bed all day.

She heard some greeting happening downstairs and some noise. She just ignored it and reached for her Tv remote turning it on.

She heard some footsteps coming up the stairs and assumed it was her mom. She heard some voices—more clear ones.

"Beyoncé! Onika! I'm going out! Make sure Beyoncé stays well behaved." Ms Tina said to Onika and the younger girl smiled showing her dimples.

"Of course Ms. Tina." Onika nodded and asoon as Ms. Knowles left Onika stepped into Beyonces room and closed the door behind her.

Beyonces smiled in surprise seeing Onika before having a teddy bear thrown at her face. "Well thanks Onika I missed you too." Beyoncé mumbled.

"You fucking idiot." Onika said looking at Beyoncé. Onika was fuming. Beyoncé rolled her eyes.

"Great greeting! I'm gonna have to rate it a -1/10 because I didn't actually hear a Hi or hello in your sentence." Beyoncé said sarcastically with a smile.

Onika groaned walking over to Beyoncé with her arms crossed.

"You're a fucking idiot." Onika said again and Beyoncé smiled.

"You're gonna say this to a cripple?" Beyoncé asked referring to her broken leg. Yeah—Beyoncé broke her leg. And It was completely her fault.

"You're not a cripple—you're just stupid." Onika mumbled sitting on Beyonce's bed. "I told you not to play when you said your "leg felt a little weird."" Onika said in quotation marks.

"I really like riding my bike—and sports! What can I say?" Beyoncé said smiling. It was true, Beyoncé was sure her leg sprained or something but she continued playing basketball and then while riding her bike that she crashed—her leg was broken. Worsening her injury.

Beyoncé was kinda bummed she broke her leg—she couldn't do much of anything because of it.

"This does kinda suck though. I mean I just had to break it in the summer, It would've been better if I broke in the middle of the school and not the end so I could miss out on classes when they actually matter." Beyoncé mumbled.

"I rather you not miss out on anything. " Onika mumbled.

Beyoncé saw how actually worried she looked as she eyed her boot cast. "Hey—hey. I'm fine. It doesn't hurt and I actually feel like nothing." Beyoncé said trying to make her girlfriend feel better.

"You should've told me you were injured." Onika said crossing her arms. "You had that birthday party to go to. I knew if I said I had a broken leg you could've dropped everything just to come see me." Beyoncé said and Onika groaned.

"As I should!" Onika expressed standing up.

"It wasn't even fun without you. Her cousin asked me to dance and I said yes just to be nice—I swear to god that kid doesn't know what deodorant is and doesn't know where his hands go." Onika complained and Beyoncé laughed a bit.

"I wanted you there. You make everything less—bland and boring." Onika mumbled.

Beyoncé smiled. Onika was stubborn, and hardheaded. But Beyoncé was the exact same in certain situations as well. The only time the two aren't stubborn is when it comes to each other.

"Are you sure it doesn't hurt?" Onika asked and Beyoncé nodded before looking at the teddy bear she got her. It had a little bandaged leg.

"Your rooms a mess." Onika pointed out and Beyoncé rolled her eyes. "Yeah, like I can get up and do a deep clean of it right now." Beyoncé said sarcastically.

"What are you doing?" Beyoncé asked as Onika got up and started cleaning her room. "You don't have to do that Nika." Beyoncé said and Onika shook her head.

"If your rooms dirty and you trip on one of your clothes—that could delay your recovery. I'm trying to avoid any set backs." Onika claimed.

"So you don't want me to get hurt? How sweet." Beyoncé cooed. Onika rolled her eyes. "Shut up." She muttered.

Onika cleaned Beyoncés room, made both of them a sand-which and she sat and watched Tv with her.

"Hey Oni?" Onika heard next to her. "Yeah?" Onika responded keeping her eyes on the Tv.

"I really like you." Beyoncé admitted and Onika smiled turning to her.

"I really like you too. No matter how dumb you are." Onika said and Beyoncé groaned. "You just had to add that huh?" She asked and Onika nodded.

"You're accident prone. Not my fault." Onika shrugged before laying her head on Beyonces chest.

"You're gonna insult me and then cuddle with me?" Beyoncé asked. She sounded offended but made no effort to move.

"Yeah. Got a problem?" Onika asked looking up at the girl. They stared at each other before Beyonce leaned down a little to connect their lips in a soft kiss.

"Not one." She said smiling at a blushing Onika.

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