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Onika, a strict boarding school student finally breaks habit and sneaks out withi a girl who can't leave her alone and has a bad reputation.

Two girls from totally different backgrounds—with unresolved issues.


Onika didn't disobey her parents—or any authority figure. She was raised to never cross the people that would grant her fortune and do whatever it takes to win.

They were strict they required Onika to get perfect 100s, to preform piano, violin and play tennis—her mother often told her to watch her figure.

"A good body will get you a good husband."

It was stressful and quite frankly overbearing. Onika got so used to it that she adapted ti it—she developed the cold demeanor that was thrown in her face for her whole childhood.

Her parents sent her away to a boarding school, the school was quite open to home visits and even scheduled long weekends because they knew their students would most likely miss their families.

Her parents often didn't want Onika to visit for a fun time or anything of the sort. They often wanted to show off their daughter to potential investors her farther had.

Onika often felt like a puppet—being told what to do 24/7. Onika didn't get to choose when she came home—her parents decided for her.

This particular winter break that was made longer on purpose for students to go home and enjoy time with their families—Onika's parents stated it would be "better" if she stayed on campus because they were going on vacation.

They claimed she was "old enough" to deal with it. Onika turned 18 only a week ago.

Onika pushed all her feelings down long ago—so she didn't cry or show any type of emotion when her parents said that.

So there Onika was, sitting in her room reading for the winter break. She lifted her head up and looked at all the snow that planted itself on the campus. Onika thought it was beautiful.

She always liked snow, at often times it forced her to stay inside and she loved that. She also loved what it looked like when no one steps on it.

Just then—on the window Onika was looking out of she heard a knock. She jumped back a little in surprise and then groaned lifting the window up.

"Leave." Onika stated immediately.

"Too late already crawling in."Beyoncé said crawling in through the window and during her usual routine of falling on Onikas rug. She rolled her eyes at the snow she was getting everywhere.

Beyoncé was—Onikas suitmate.

Beyoncé had a bad reputation—she often skipped classes—snuck out after curfew—and Onikas heard the numerous people she's slept with here.

Onika originally didn't have a Suitemate, she enjoyed her time alone anyways. But then Beyoncé was moved to her room after fighting the girl she originally roomed with.

They'd been suitmates since the start of September and Beyoncé annoyed her everyday. Atleast that's what Onika claims. She may not have fully recognized it but her and Beyoncé got closer. Mostly because Beyoncé often invaded  her personally space.

"Why do you always come in through my window?" Onika asked and Beyoncé shrugged.

"Cause mines always locked. Duh." She said shrugging and Onika eyed her as if they didn't have a front door.

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