The Other Side Of Paradise

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Beyonces a shy girl that decides to spend her summer in California with her older sister Solange.

She meets a girl.

Beyoncé hummed as the sound of her guitar flooded her room.

She sighed setting it down. Beyoncé was spending her summer in Malibu Cali.

Her older sister Solange moved out here asoon as she graduated college, and Beyoncé was spending her summer break with her.

She got up to stretch, reaching for her glasses. She always sighed remembering how her sister would call her a "nerd" for just having bad sight and not enjoying contacts.

It was around 11, Beyoncé looked at her open curtains and walked over getting ready to close them before she got distracted.

She saw a car and two girls getting out, stumbling near the street lights that lit up the neighborhood.

One kissed the other and Beyoncés eyes widened.

Beyoncé pushed her glasses up her nose watching—feeling her face heat up.  They were both smiling and laughing from what Beyoncé could see.

"Giselle! I made dinner!" Beyoncé heard and she immediately snapped out of her trance. "Fuck what am I doing?" She asked herself before quickly closing her curtain.


Next day..

"Are you gonna like—doing something not boring and nerdy with your life?" Beyoncé heard her sister ask and Beyoncé eyed her while eating her cereal.

"What do you mean?" Beyoncé asked wiping the milk from her chin.

"I mean cmon Yonce, you're like—21 now. You literally missed the fun of lying about your age to get into places now." Solange said and Beyoncé groaned.

"I would never do that anyways because that's literally like—illegal and I want atleast one of us not to end up in jail." Beyoncé said and Solange rolled her eyes.

"Yeah but that's the fun. The risk! Have you even been to any of the clubs here yet?
It's Malibu for christ sakes." Solange complained.

She did have a point though, Beyoncé hasn't even tried any of the clubs or any thing considered fun by the locals since she's been there.

"No—I haven't.." Beyoncé mumbled. Solange rolled her eyes. "Yeah you haven't. You're eating cereal while watching—what even is this? Some nerdy wizard show? At 10pm? Get out and do something." Solange said and Beyoncé groaned.

"Like what?" Beyoncé asked. Solange grimes and rounded the couch to sit right next to Beyoncé.

"Like..I don't a girl? Talk?" Solange tried and Beyoncé rolled her eyes. "Fine! Be lame forever then." Solange groaned getting off the couch.

Beyoncé has been called a buzzkill, lame, a fun sponge that just soaks up all the fun—and she was sick of it.

She set her cereal down and marched upstairs.

She took a shower, and got dressed. She looked at herself in the mirror. Glasses on, hair down, ripped jean shorts and one of her old band tees. "Yeah I can do this." Beyoncé said to herself.

She grabbed her phone and then she was on her way.

She drove to the closest club to her—she didn't exactly know what she was doing or what her goal was. She just wanted to prove to her sister that she could be "fun".

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