Playing Cupid

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Beyoncé thinks Onika hates her—Onika thinks Beyoncé hates her.


Onika was doing her usual weekend routine.

She was currently at an animal shelter helping out, she did it because she loved the poor babies there and it gave her service learning hours she needed to graduate.

She sighed setting a puppy down after properly cleaning it, she heard her phone buzz in her back pocket of her jeans.

She got up, took her gloves off—washed her hands regardless and picked up her phone to check who it could be.

🌟Ming ⭐️

yo mom is talking about her sex life pls get yo ass home so i ain't gotta endure this alone
also bring some candy
love u

Onika smiled laughing a bit, that did sound like their mother.

"You shouldn't be on your phone while volunteering Ms. Maraj." She heard a mocking voice say and she cringed before slowly turning around.

"H-Hi Beyoncé." Onika mumbled. She preferred being civil.

Despite how much she's sure she hates her.

Beyoncé Giselle Knowles was a named many feared, she didn't exactly have the best reputation.

On Onikas first day of freshmen year she was waiting for her schedule outside the counselors office and saw the girl with a bloody nose. Onika wasn't a fan of Beyoncé. How do you get in a fight—the first day?

Beyoncé was popular, she played basketball and was good at it.

Growing up in a small town, Onika had the worst luck.

Whenever you went to elementary school with? Good chance you're gonna graduate with them. Beyoncé and Onika have been fighting since Pre-K.

Beyoncé just trailed her eyes slowly up her body till they reached her face. Onika wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

"Can you not look at me like you're gonna kill me? Thanks." Onika mumbled throwing her previously used gloves away.

Onika was convinced for awhile the girl didn't have a heart—till she saw her volunteering here. The two were surprised to encounter each other after so long.

"What's your lonely ass doing for Valentine's day?" Beyoncé asked, and Onika shrugged. She didn't have much planned.

No one's ever asked to be Onikas Valentine.

"Might kill myself—I mean It would save me from dealing with you." Onika mumbled and Beyoncé rolled her eyes.

That kinda hurt her feelings.

"God you're so depressing." Beyoncé said and Onika turned to her, "You're the one who's always bothering me? What are you gonna do? Make fun of me because I don't have a boyfriend?" Onika asked and Beyoncé grinned.

"You don't have a boyfriend? Not surprised." Beyoncé said and Onika groaned and headed out of the bathing room.

"Maybe if you weren't so shy guys would actually approach you." Beyoncé said from behind her, Onika eyed her.

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