a salty midsunmers dream.

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The waters swayed like leaves on a windy afternoon, the sun shined—not too bright but not too low. The swirls of greens and browns transformed to make a beauty honey hazel still managed to shimmer because of the ever moving star.

she stared out, among the vast waters. the big blue was always intimidating to most—but she couldn't help but stare at his marvelousness. she's heard countless stories, ships lost at sea—storms that will shiver your nerves till they're frozen—just like the bottom of the ocean.

she's heard it all, but none of it dare deter the young girl. she gazed at the big blue, wondering why it attracted her so much—why it calmed her—and what dare lay deep within..


the young girl rolled her eyes and let out a low sigh of pure exasperation. her head whipped around to see her knight, "Yes, Julius?" she hissed quickly. she saw the tall, muscular man hesitate before continuing.

"Your mother, wishes to speak with you." he revealed, beyoncé groaned loudly. she allowed herself to fall back onto the sand and gaze at the sky, "Can a young lady not have a mere moment to herself? Oh, is that so impossible for that woman to understand?!" she barked. beyoncé wanted to be by herself today—like most days.

but of course, that was impossible in beyonces position.

Julius cleared his throat, she could hear the nervousness in his voice. "I do apologize Beyoncé, but you do know she wants the best for you. Correct?" he asked rhetorically, beyoncé scoffed as she lifted her upper body up from the sand below her.

"I beg to differ." she mumbled as she caught a glimpse of the ocean once again, she let out a longing sigh. "why can't I stay here?" she whispered. she knew why, she wasn't really asking Julius. she wasn't even asking herself, she reached out to touch the water, that gently splashed against her fingertips.

"oh, big blue." she called out quietly, the tone of her voice could only be described as desperate. it was if the water spoke to her, in ways no one could understand. it called for her, and she called for it.

but of course she was forbidden to ever row in those waters. she watched for mere second as she saw something shimmer in the water, her breath hitched—the salty smell of the sea filled her nose but another heavenly fragrance did as well.

before she could even indulge in this pleasure, she heard Julius clear his throat once again. she let out another sigh as she slowly, and surely reluctantly retracted her hand. she swiftly turned to him with a clear pout, and he did appear a bit sympathetic.

he mouthed a, "sorry." as she stood up. she brushed off her slacks and let her shoulders drop. she glanced back out at the sea, before she retreated with julius back to the castle.

asoon as beyoncé stepped inside the royal dinning area, she witnessed her mother rush over to her with a look of ignorant concern. next thing the young girl knew—her mother was touching her face. she felt her snatch her cheeks, "oh my heavens beyoncé! how many times do I have to tell you—" the blonde finished her mother sentence for her.

"don't go out to the shore." she relayed back to her, in a monotone voice. this conversation has occurred about a million times. her mother appeared surprised beyoncé remembers.

"oh, so you don't have short term memory?" she asked, examining her eldest daughters face for any scratches or bruises. beyoncé stood there with a fairly annoyed expression displayed across her face.

she exhaled out slowly, "no mother, I don't. I just don't care for your words." she stated. her mother apparently didn't care for hers because she ignored that comment. she examined her daughter more, forcing beyoncés face to go from left to right, and her hair to be touched and shaken.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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