Melancholy Melodies

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Beyoncé sneaks out every Friday night to see the mysterious beauty who plays  piano.

No Smut
No G!P

Beyoncé sat in the crowd, listening to the numerous voices around her. She was more focused on the stage though, the one woman she came to watch as usual.

She frequented a local adult cafe—you have to be at-least 21 to enter but thanks to her friend Robyn she had a fake ID and she was tall enough and mature looking enough to pass.

It all started when her friends near the end of her senior year wanted to try something fun to commemorate their friendship.

"So..I got us all tickets to this adult Cafe on Reldon street near that movie theater!" Robyn said showing tickets and she heard the woos of her friends.

"Wait—Rob—it saids we gotta be atleast 21 to go in." Kelly said looking at the flyer. Robyn rolled her eyes with a grin. "Girl we gon lie! What I look like telling the truth about my age?" Robyn asked.

Aubrey and Michelle seemed excited. "Is this a strip club?" Aubrey asked. Michelle rolled her eyes. "No dumb ass. It clearly just says adult comedy shoes and musicians." She said pointing at the flyer.

Beyoncé concluded It wasn't a strip club or anything but apparently on some nights they had inappropriate comedians and openly served alcohol. Beyoncé doesn't like beer and doesn't find middle aged men funny.

"I'm in." Beyoncé said and Robyn smiled. "Let's go. B.K agrees we should go!" Beyoncé shrugged with a little smile. She enjoyed making her friends happy.

"Let's go on a Saturday—I get done washing my dads truck that afternoon." Aubrey said and Beyoncé was just happy to hang out with her friends.

The following Saturday she got dressed basic, it was a summer night in Houston so she went with sneakers some shorts and a band T shirt. She wanted to seem like a young adult so she wore her hipster glasses she actually does need to see.

"Beyoncé, your friends are here!" She heard her mother call from downstairs. Beyoncé smiled and grabbed her keys and phone. She jogged downstairs pushing back her 12 year old sister and kissing her mom on the cheek.

"You giving me a kiss because your ass is gonna be out later than you're supposed to be huh?" Her mom asked with a quirked eyebrow and Beyoncé groaned. She swore the women knew everything.

"Well..maybe..i'm 18 ma!" Beyoncé said in defense and Tina didn't argue. "Alright alright—just stay safe out there." Her mom said returning the kiss on the cheek.

Beyoncé saw her younger sister on the couch, "You ain't gonna say bye to me? What if this is the last time you see me?" Beyoncé asked.

"I'd say Soyanara and I'm gonna use your room as an arcade. Been thinking about it for awhile now." Solange said with a cheeky smile and Beyoncé rolled her eyes before heading out.

She felt that heat hit her face as she jogged to Robyn's car. "Sup guys." She said hopping in the back and they greeted her. Right before they pulled off Robyn looked at all of them.

"Fake IDs." She said as she handed them out and Aubrey immediately disagreed. "No way! I don't believe in this way of lying it's against my own morals and—"

"Aubrey I heard there's grown woman there—cougars maybe that could pay off your upcoming college debt." Kelly said and Abel immediately took the fake ID.

Beyoncé sat in the back and watched the houses pass by, she didn't know what what exactly was in store for her but she was looking forward to whatever it was.

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