Chapter Four: Him

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I hate him

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I hate him.

Him and his silly grin, his floppy hair.

His ridiculous blue eyes.

Diggory saw me at my lowest and my weakest point.

But, I must admit that when I saw my father step out of the wardrobe, even I was quite shocked at the sight of his pointed face. But then again the most formidable moment I could ever face is to have my father's disappointed, harsh gaze bearing down at me.

His eyes cold and full of anger...

Diggory was determined to irritate me in any possible way, we both agreed that we'd meet most evenings after our lessons and study in the library.

I am desperate to just get this project over with.

Potions class became more of a chore to me now that I had to work with Diggory, and since Snape had given us detention my father had been on my back ever since and he had sent me countless howlers.

It came as no surprise to me when Diggory strolled into the classroom late with sleepy eyes and messy hair.

"Ten points from Hufflepuff for tardiness Diggory, go take your seat." Said Snape, he only looked up briefly from his desk where he was marking essays.

"What did I miss?" whispered Diggory as he sat down beside me, searching for his book which he had clearly forgotten.

I refused to turn his way, furiously scribbling notes on the draught of peace. "You didn't answer my question," he teased as he nudged me jokingly when he witnessed my glare.

"Perhaps because I chose to ignore you," I muttered irritably.

Sighing, I handed him my notes I had just written, I could feel the heat on my cheeks as Diggory smiled at me fondly. I desperately hope that in the dim light of the dungeons he couldn't see it.

"You love me really," he laughed as he took the notes from me.

"Trust me, I do not." I rolled my eyes then continued scribbling down more notes.

The bell rang, and I began hastily packing away my things. "Hogsmeade is tomorrow," Diggory began as he too packed away his things.

"You're saying this as if I already didn't know," I muttered as I walked out of the classroom and hurried to transfiguration.

"Malfoy, wait!"

I turned my head briefly to see Diggory trailing after me, however I did not stop and continued walking down the busy corridor.

"What's with you and walking away from me?" he spoke with slight annoyance.

"Then don't talk to me, unless it's about the essay we are due to write." I rolled my eyes as he was beginning to test my patience more so than ever. Diggory seemed to find me amusing as he let out a small chuckle.

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