Chapter Fifteen: The Party

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In another life, I'll reach for her hand and no one will wonder if we're enemies or something more

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In another life, I'll reach for her hand and no one will wonder if we're enemies or something more.

In another life, I'd be able to kiss her in the halls as we'd part ways to go to class and no one will look at us or tell us that we're doing something wrong.

I used to always think that Malfoy herself was prejudiced just like the rest of her family, but it turns out that I was incredibly wrong; she has much different views compared to her parents.

Last night when she uttered the words saying that she loved me back, it felt as if the stars had answered my prayers. With the glowing moonlight reflecting onto her face; the moment seemed almost too perfect for it to be real.

Malfoy is so ethereal, but she never realizes it. Like how the stars glisten in a cloudless night, or even how a soft breeze gallops through the warm air. It all gives you hope.

She gives me hope.

And yet she has never realized it.

"Late again, Diggory. Twenty points from Hufflepuff." Said Snape as he scowled down his hooked nose at me.

Rolling my eyes, I headed to my usual seat besides Malfoy who was already brewing a potion. I pulled out my advanced potions textbook along with my cauldron.

"What did I miss?" I questioned.

Malfoy looked up at me, "There's no point starting now seeing as you're incredibly late."

I chuckled in response and watched as she began stirring the lilac looking liquid, that was bubbling gently. "Why were you so late?" Malfoy suddenly asked.

A smirk tugged at my lips, "Missed me?"

"With all my heart," She responded in a sarcastic manner causing me to laugh.

"I just woke up late." I spoke and she smiled whilst shaking her head. "There's a party tonight in the Hufflepuff common room, it would be nice if you attended with me."

She looked up at me and frowned, "I'm a Slytherin though."

I shrugged, "Doesn't matter. You'll be there with me and don't worry about anyone seeing us together, it's just my other housemates."

Malfoy hesitated for a moment before nodding and I grinned, "It starts at eight and I'll meet you outside the common room."

"Okay," She showed a nervous smile and then turned her attention back to her bubbling potion.

The rest of the day seemed to drag by, and my housemates were buzzing with excitement about the party tonight. By the time I got back from dinner; people had already begun gathering up various alcohol that a muggleborn had snuck in for everyone.

Music had began playing and everyone was now gathered in the common room, either dancing, smoking, drinking, or talking with one another.

"Where you off to Ced?" Samuel jogged up to my side with a cup of undoubtedly strong alcohol in his hand.

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