Chapter Sixteen: Betrayal

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Yesterday I could have sworn he loved me

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Yesterday I could have sworn he loved me.

He copied the things I said, laughed at my jokes and I laughed at his. He guessed what I was going to say before I even said it. He never lied to me and showed a loving smile to me.

But tonight that's all gone.

All the laughs we shared with one another, every single sign of affection, every kind action or word, every single smile and even the 'I love you' has dissipated into nothing but a feeling of betrayal.

I'm not even sure whose fault this is.

Is it mine for letting myself believe someone could ever love me?

Or is it his fault for hurting me and lying to me?

Tonight our love is six feet under; Because the truth had finally came out and I could now see behind your fake act. So for now, I wouldn't know what to call us. A broken pair?

Soul ties without the soul?

For now we are nothing.

He ruptured my heart; the blood was heavy, and the tears came even heavier. Not as if the rain fell, but a tsunami.

The emotions forced upon me, stuck to my brain like a leech. The feeling of betrayal overwhelming me, consuming my entire being.

I remember taking one last glimpse at his mournful face before walking away from him; knowing that it would be the last time I'd ever speak to him. I need to prove that I am not going to let myself be hurt by a feeling as pathetic as love.

Therefore, I decided to push him away.

Believe me, it wasn't easy; I wanted nothing more than him even after finding out the worst possible truth I could ever imagine.

But for some aching reason, I had this horrible need to prove that I could indeed survive without you. That I wasn't going to let myself become ruined because of some immature bet he decided to make with his idiotic friends.

But in the back of my head and at the bottom of my heart, I knew that I was still utterly consumed by him. Still in love with him.

After leaving him in the hallway, I returned to my dorm; ignoring the weird looks I received from people sat in the common room.

Once I was in the safety of being alone in my dorm I walked over to my set of draws to take a change of clothes, then I saw the familiar yellow scarf laid there in front of me. Gingerly, I picked it up and breathed in the comforting scent of citrus; that was when I completely shattered. I had collapsed onto the floor; sobbing painfully into the scarf, the hot tears seemed to just spill from my eyes as soon as I was alone.

I wanted nothing more than to just rip out my own heart to save myself from this unbearable ache deep inside my chest.

However, this was just the beginning for me.

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