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The day Amira had died was a day that everything changed for the Malfoy family.

My mother, she was the one who was completely beside herself when we had found Amira's body washed up on shore. That night was still engraved into my mind.

"Will she be okay hen we find her?" asked Jean Luc; his face still showing a worried expression as we walked through the dusky woods.

I did not answer, but instead kept on walking. I could see my mother and father up front with Jean Luc's parents who volunteered to help look for Amira. Along side them was Rita Skeeter who was deeply enjoying this night. I knew that someone like her would do anything to expose the Malfoy family secrets.

We soon reached the beach that had a magnificent cliffside, the beach was not covered in sand but instead was covered in small, dark shiny pebbles. My mother's endless calls echoed around us.

"Amira!" she shouted, whilst looking around for any signs of her missing daughter. We had been searching for Amira for countless hours, but mother did not want to give up just yet.

"Lucius, I think I may have found something!" Called Jean Luc senior.

I watched as my father walked over to the shoreline and Jean Luc Senior's expression, told me everything that I needed to know.

"Is it Amira? Have you found her?" My mother ran over to them, but father wouldn't allow her to go past him.

"Narcissa, go back to the manor." He spoke in a calm voice.

"No, I need to find my daughter Lucius!" Said mother as she tried to get past father. I headed over to where everyone stood and the sight before me truly sickened me to my very core.

"Draco what is it?" Mother questioned as she managed to shove past father and now stood by my side. She held a hand to her mouth and let out a small sob, "Amira.."

Mother crumpled besides Amira's lifeless body and let out such a painful cry that no one would ever forget it.

"NO!" Mother cried.

"My daughter... my baby..."

My eyes flickered over to my father and my blood boiled with anger; his expression was completely blank, unaffected. He just merely stared at my sobbing mother as if it was an inconvenience that his only daughter had died.

But, my anger seemed to have distracted me as now mother was on her feet, staring up at my father with complete and utter rage. "You killed her! This is because of you!" she cried out.

"Calm down Narcissa," Said Jean Luc senior.

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down when my only daughter, my own child is dead because of that man!" Mother pointed at my father.

I watched as she held a hand to her mouth, muffling the sob that escaped her lips. "My Amira, my sweet girl... my only daughter was taken from me—"

She suddenly turned back to my father, a look of madness almost filled her once warm eyes. "This is all because of you!" She began. "Not only did you murder that Diggory boy, but you caused the death of my only daughter!" Mother cried out.

Several people of the group let out a small gasp as they witnessed the scene before them. Even Skeeter looked taken back at this information.

That night was when everything changed.

However, the sight of Amira's lifeless body is an image that I see within my nightmares now. And it is something that will forever haunt me.

Father was sentenced to Azkaban and is currently awaiting for his trial in which my mother is testifying against him. After all, it's because of him all of this has happened. All the newspapers and articles are filled with the Malfoy name, and it has been like that for weeks.

"Draco, we need to head to the Ministry of Magic." Said mother; she wore a black dress with a black veiled hat covering her eyes.

"I'll be down in a moment mother." I told her and she showed a weak smile then left the doorway of my bedroom.

I slipped on my black suit jacket and left my bedroom, leaving the newest copy of the daily prophet on my table. The copy read:



'Amira Malfoy and Cedric Diggory's love is something that will be forever remembered within the Wizarding world. We know that now the two lovers are at peace with one another now, but it is extremely dismaying that death was the only point for Amira Malfoy and Cedric Diggory to be truly happy with one another.'

'May we all raise our wands for them'


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