Chapter Fourteen: Bewitched

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Everything about this year at Hogwarts has bewildered me entirely

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Everything about this year at Hogwarts has bewildered me entirely.

I have begun to feel things I have never felt before towards a person and my hatred has completely and irrevocably dissipated into nothing; ceasing to exist.

Maybe this is how it's supposed to be; me and Diggory completely consumed with one another. In fact that is what I hope for.

A warm sun seemed to spread a sort of happiness over Hogwarts as the OWLs came to an end and our results will be revealed on the last day of term which was only in a couple of weeks.

I still wore the bracelet Diggory had gifted to me every single day, I have never taken it off. Every time I look down at it my heart seems to skip a beat. He's probably the first person to ever give me something as meaningful as the gift he gave me. 

I walked up the steps, heading up to the astronomy tower to meet Diggory as per usual. Nights with him have grown to become my favourite nights.

Staring up at the studded sky, whilst the comforting scent of citrus fills my airways whenever he wraps his arm around me to shield me from the slightly cold, breeze.

When I finally reached the top of the tower, I found that Diggory was already stood by the railing, waiting for my arrival. I walked over to stand beside him, and he greeted me with his signature warm smile.

"Evening, Malfoy." Diggory smirked.

"How did your ancient runes exam go today?" I questioned.

"Great all thanks to you," He grinned whilst I laughed. "Wow, Cedric Diggory giving me credit for helping him study for his exams." I said in a playful manner.

"Couldn't have done it without you." Diggory chuckled as well, then turned to face me properly. "I actually need to speak to you about something.." he began.

I frowned, "What is it?"

Diggory paused for a moment as his blue eyes flickered from me to the ground repeatedly almost as if he was anxious about something.

After a few seconds, he looked up at me then muttered quietly: "I love you."

I stepped back in utter shock, silently recalling our insults and digs. Remembering the hatred we once had for one another.

'He loves me?'

'he loves me

He loves me

He loves me

He loves me...'

I stared at him for a few moments, my mind spiralling out of confusion as to why someone like him could ever love someone like me.

"I love you too," I replied in a whisper, stepping closer to him as he smiled. I leaned up and kissed him softly, his hand found it's way to the side of my face, deepening the kiss.

I have never felt love like this before.

I've never wanted anything to work out so badly, in my entire like and it scares me really.

To think that I'm giving myself to someone, trusting that they won't just leave. But to be in love with someone is a feeling so euphoric I can't comprehend it. It can either be amazing, or the thing that breaks you entirely.

However, I am so consumed in him.

I treasure our moments in class where he would intertwine his hand with mine under the desk; out of sight from anyone else but us.

He gives me hope.

He makes me want to see everything beautiful in the world. I just really hope that he doesn't let me down, because I know I will always stand by him for as long as my legs allow me to.

You have bewitched my mind, body, and soul Cedric Diggory. 


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