Chapter Thirty Seven: Disappear Into Oblivion

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Music resonated around me as I walked into the ballroom

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Music resonated around me as I walked into the ballroom.

Tonight was the annual ball hosted every summer by my parents. I still hated attending these parties but tonight I hated them even more so.

For there would be no gate crasher that I would see tonight.

Jean Luc was still residing at the manor with his family, and he was the only person I could tolerate being around as he understood me.

"Rita Skeeter is here again," Said Jean Luc and I looked over by the door to see Skeeter walk in, her automatic quill and pad already taking notes.

"Great.." I sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"She has wanted me to do an interview about what its like to be apart of a pureblood family. She also was the one who released mine and Cedric's relationship to the world last year." I explained to him.

"Well, looks like she's gone to interrogate my parents, so I think you're safe for now." He chuckled slightly.

My eyes flickered over to something that caught my eye; a blue butterfly flying gently out onto the balcony. I held up the skirt of my white dress so I wouldn't trip and hurried over to the balcony.

"Amira!" called Jean Luc.

Ignoring him, I carried on; I wasn't sure on why I was chasing this blue butterfly but the shade of blue it had reminded me of Cedric's eyes.

I walked out onto the balcony and looked around; nothing was there.

"What made you run off like that then?" Jean Luc spoke as he joined my side.

"I saw a butterfly.." I told him.

He frowned, "And you decided to go after it?"

"It reminded me of something.."

His eyes flickered down to the opal butterfly that sat on my wrist, "Sorry.." He said after he must have realised.

"Come on, let's go back inside." Suggested Jean Luc. I nodded and then followed him back into the ballroom.

"Can I have your attention please!"

I looked over to see father was tapping on his glass of wine, the music died away and everyone turned to look up at him.

"I would like to announce, that this party that the Malfoy's have hosted for decades is in honour of my daughter Amira and her soon to be husband Jean Luc." Said father.

A round of applause filled the ballroom. However, I could feel my gloved hands shake with anger.

"I can imagine how she is filled with joy," Father added as he showed a jeering smile to the crowds of guests.

My eyes flickered over to Rita Skeeter, who was enjoying this thoroughly. Then a delightful idea appeared in my mind.

"I would like to say a few words in honour of my loving family if that's alright father," I spoke up and could feel everyone's eyes were now upon me.

"Amira, what are you doing?" Jean Luc whispered to me in which I ignored him.

"My announcement for tonight, is that I will not be marrying someone who I do not love." I said and could hear various whispers around me.

Father's smile soon changed very quickly into complete and utter rage. His eyes seemed to flash with anger as he stared at me. My mother looked shocked at my sudden outburst, yet she didn't say anything and Draco, he didn't even look surprised; he just looked slightly guilty.

"Excuse me for a moment," I showed a polite smile then headed out of the ballroom and walked out into the hallway.


I turned to see father storming over to me, with mother and Draco following him.

"What kind of delirious act was that?" He yelled.

"I spoke only the truth father; I am not marrying someone I don't love!" I yelled back at him.

Father's hand struck the side of my face, mother flinched at the sudden action. Tears stung my eyes, but I refused to let them fall, I refuse to let him see me as weak.

"You are not going to ruin everything I have done for you to marry someone who is worthy for you!" shouted father.

Realisation hit me as I processed his words, "Everything you have done?"

"Yes everything I have done just so you can live the life a Malfoy is supposed to live. I even went as far as getting rid of that filthy blood traitor." Said father.

Suddenly, everything made sense.

"Did you really think I'd let you run off and follow the same footsteps your aunt did?" Father jeered.

"You..." I trailed of as I felt tears run down my cheeks.

My eyes fell upon Draco, "You told him, didn't you?"

"Amira..." Draco showed a guilty expression.

The fact that my own father had murdered in cold blood, the only person who has ever loved and cared for me and just left him in the dirt to rot, truly sickened my entire being.

"I can't do this anymore..." I muttered as I walked past them and headed to the front door.

"Where are you going?" someone asked, but I did not care to turn and find out who it was.

I don't answer, for I do not know where I am going.

I merely hope to disappear into oblivion and forget the world with all of the suffering within it.

Gingerly, I placed my hand on the metal door handle and pushed it open. Then I decided to act on one of the things I have always wanted to do.

I ran.

I held up the front of my dress as I ran down the path that would take me to the front gate of the Manor. I could hear countless calls from people behind me but that didn't stop me.

I reached the front gate and ran out of it, heading into the forest opposite the place I am meant to call home.

Sprinting as fast as my legs would carry me, I dodged swaying branches.

Stepping over cracks in the precarious ground.

The forest wasn't deep, I knew that it would take me to a hill where I used to sit in the summer and read books so I could escape the manor every so often.

A million thoughts ran through my mind as I ran out of the forest. My father had murdered Cedric. Draco had told father about my plan to runaway with Cedric. My mother most likely knew about this all along. And I...

I wanted nothing more than to be free from it all.

So, I ran, and I ran.

The world behind me collapsed but I kept running until I finally reached the top of the cliffside. I turned around and laughed.

I saw nothing but chaos and everything was so beautifully broken. 


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