Chapter Twelve: Happy Birthday

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The only thing standing between him and I is reality

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The only thing standing between him and I is reality.

For when we're alone in the company of one another, there is a feeling my heart has never felt before; when I feel your touch against my skin I can finally understand what people mean when they describe home.

But the second we're back into reality, it's like the love we share dissipates into nothing but a moment of eye contact across the room.

Today was my birthday; a day in which I dreaded the most.

The only person that I could tolerate making a big deal out of my birthday was my mother, of course my father was never around on my birthday as he always had 'important business' to attend to.

I have been searching for my father's love for what feels like an eternity.

There is not enough time in the world to wander mindlessly and find the love that seems to be missing. Where has it gone?

Although, I am quite certain that when I laid my first heartbeat in my mother's womb my father cried out in tears of regret and resented me ever since then.

The worst feeling in the world apart from loneliness; is being unwanted.

My birthday is just a reminder of how alone I truly am.

I watched as my mother's white snowy owl swooped through the great hall and drop a parcel on the table in front of me. Opening the small card, I was greeted by my mother's handwriting that was so like mine:

Happy birthday my dear Amira,

I hope you know how loved you are and no matter what your father does just know that he cares about you deeply.

This gift is something I think you deserve seeing as you are now a beautiful, intelligent young lady. Please write back to me more,

Love mother.

'Liar' I thought to myself as I finished reading the letter. My father does not care about me, he never will, and I have accepted that.

My hands fumbled slightly as I began to tare away the packaging and it revealed a small, black box. Inside the box was a silver bracelet; with several emeralds encrusted in it and miniscule diamonds shimmering around them.

This bracelet was the family of Black heirloom; it was meant to be given to Bellatrix but instead was passed down to my mother seeing as Bellatrix was locked away in Azkaban. Any member of the Black family would be honoured to receive this heirloom; however I wasn't.

It meant that soon I would be married off to some random suitor that I most likely will loathe.

Sighing heavily, I placed the lid back onto the box and picked it up, along with card and began walking back to my dorm to place it in my draws.

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