Chapter Seven: Merry Christmas

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The Christmas Holidays were creeping up and a certain dread filled my entire being

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The Christmas Holidays were creeping up and a certain dread filled my entire being. I knew that it was most likely that I would be greeted by my father's disappointed gaze. The feeling of fear that I would get from looking up at his harsh gaze is a feeling I have become all too familiar with.

Christmas as a Malfoy meant that it was a time to flaunt your luxuries. There has always been a Malfoy ball on Christmas Eve where all the wealthy, powerful were invited from across the country. Even Fudge, the minister of magic would be attending. However, for me it meant there would be a night of me feeling uncomfortable in an overly tight dress, my feet hurting from heels, being forced to converse with men that wanted my hand in marriage and to not embarrass the family.

My trunk was readily packed for me and was waiting for the house elves to come and collect it. I pulled my coat on and wrapped the scarf that I had grown to like around my neck, the comforting scent of citrus filled my airways.

I then proceeded to head to the entrance hall where all the students would be waiting for the carriages to arrive. Students were buzzing with Christmas cheer as they all conversed happily with one another, most were wearing Christmas jumpers.

My eyes met with a certain blue pair and I could feel butterflies bounce in my stomach, he strode over to me with a gentle smile on his face as he ignored the confused calls from his group of friends.

"Not staying at Hogwarts for the holidays?" Diggory questioned.

"No, I have to go home as my mother misses me." I answered, his eyes flickered down to the scarf that was around my neck and I could've sworn I saw a glint in his eye.

"Me too, I'm spending Christmas with my father." Said Diggory.

"Do you have plans for the holidays?" I asked as I fiddled with the hem of my sleeves out of nerves.

He shook his head, "You?"

I nodded, "A ball will be held on Christmas Eve. I'm dreading it." I let out a small laugh at the thought of having to endure the night.

"Poor little Malfoy, having to attend grand balls and converse with wealthy people." Diggory teased and I hit his arm playfully.

"It's really boring, and all I have to do is sit there and look pretty whilst I pretend to be interested in suitors." I rolled my eyes.

"Suitors?" he frowned.

"Don't you know? Once I leave Hogwarts I'll be married off to some rich man that I don't even know, and I don't get any choice in it." I explained.

"Wow..." Diggory looked at me, shocked.

I shrugged, "It's not a big deal."

"It sounds like a big deal to me, and you're okay with it all?" he asked.

"Like I said. I don't have any choice in it." My eyes travelled over to the window and I saw a carriage pulled up along with many others. "The carriages are here,"

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