Back to the Dormitory- 71

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You walk back to the dormitory, crossing your arms and padding back through the dark hallways. Swinging the door open, you notice Al sitting on his bed, staring into space.

"Al?" you say, surprised. You hurry over to him. "What's wrong? Why aren't you with your family?"

"Didn't want them to ask how I was doing," he says, sniffing. "I'd have to tell them, and they'd know that I was lying... I've lost every fight since the one with Will. I'm not doing well."

You're silent for a moment. 

"They wouldn't understand it, either," he adds, shaking his head. "They've always admired the Dauntless. They wanted me to be one."

You nod. "That's why you chose it?"

Al frowns. "No, I... I guess I thought it was important to protect people, to use our strength to stand up for others. That's what we're supposed to do, right? Not all this senseless violence."

His question echoes into the silence of the dormitory.

If you decide to be nice to Al, go to 73.

If you decide to be mean, go to 74.

If you sit there awkwardly, go to 75.

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