New Year's Eve
Ame: *walks into the kitchen*
Canada: alright let's play one game *looks over to America*
Ame: *slowly walks away with cookies*
Canada: ...ok?5 minutes later
Ame: *eating cookies*
Canada: your move bro
Ame: *stares and proceeds to eat the cookies*5 more minutes later
TV: and now for BTS
UK: look Ame BTS...who is BTS?
Ame: ...oh boy
South Korea: *exists* hOw DaRe YoU5 mOrE minutes later
Australia: hey Ame-
Ame: I jUsT wAnNa EaT mAh CoOkIE!
New Zealand: ok...?————————————————————————-
Happy New Year's Eve everyone!
Random Book ^w^
RandomSoooooo my friend gave me the idea so I'm making an art book, you can ask me to draw stuff and all. Not all art will be mine, if it is I will say so. It is also going to have some random nonsense in it U-U ¡If you are offended, I apologize in advanc...