Some random person: ...but why chocolate pancakes? They're disgusting
AllRecipes: *gasp* hOw DaRe YoU?
America: I am deeply offended-
May: sniff UnULater
Australia: eeeeeeekkkkk WhAt ThE hEcK iS tHiS?!
Micronesia: what?
Australia: that...*points*Micronesia: uhh idk-
Even more later
Random person: hmm where's the beef?
Facebook: *chokes on air*
Summer: you good there?
McDonalds: pfft-hahahahaha
July: did I miss something??Even more more later
London: so. Much. PINK!
Florida: this is why I got shopping alone
Texas: last time you almost committed a felony-Farther along
Switzerland: do they have my beer?
Belgium: no...
Switzerland: sad face
Nikky: Avid's rubbing off on you too much-Even farther along
Avid: oh look, there's holes in the ceiling-
Doge(WetStinkyDog): uhhh
PJO(_the_PJO_fangirl_): who did this-
California/Nikky: ...we don't exist, K?Laterrrrrr
Nikky: "Frozen Food"
Avid: backwards is Doof Nezorf
PJO: like doh
Avid: what- it's doof *runs into a wall* ow-
Doge: bet that helped-
Avid: =_=10 minutes later
Japan: I am an independent woman that occasionally needs help
China: I get it
Japan: hmp...
China: -_-
Avid: O^O why am I here again??
Nikky: they made us come along
Doge: and us?
PJO: ...don't ask30 minutes later
Indonesia: you know the car's that way?
Nikky: Ik but I only had one hand
Indonesia: but you have two hands?
Nikky: I only had one hand in the handle
Indonesia: oh. But you do have two hands?
Nikky: usually-
Philippines: guys! Stop splashing me!
Avid: *casually splashing Philippines*
PJO: *unloading groceries*
Doge: *messing with water and rocks*
America: this seems normal-
February: Mk I'm leaving
NBCNews: ...
Spring: this was F U N
Autumn: I think Spring's broken-At home
Texas: brrr my shoes are covered in SNOW! *sets shoes down and walks off only to trip over the shoes*
California: pfft-
Texas: =_= story of my life
Philippines: *w h e e z e*
Random Book ^w^
RandomSoooooo my friend gave me the idea so I'm making an art book, you can ask me to draw stuff and all. Not all art will be mine, if it is I will say so. It is also going to have some random nonsense in it U-U ¡If you are offended, I apologize in advanc...