Grocery Store Madness

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Some random person: ...but why chocolate pancakes? They're disgusting
AllRecipes: *gasp* hOw DaRe YoU?
America: I am deeply offended-
May: sniff UnU


Australia: eeeeeeekkkkk WhAt ThE hEcK iS tHiS?!
Micronesia: what?
Australia: that...*points*

Micronesia: uhh idk-

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Micronesia: uhh idk-

Even more later

Random person: hmm where's the beef?
Facebook: *chokes on air*
Summer: you good there?
McDonalds: pfft-hahahahaha
July: did I miss something??

Even more more later

London: so. Much. PINK!
Florida: this is why I got shopping alone
Texas: last time you almost committed a felony-

Farther along

Switzerland: do they have my beer?
Belgium: no...
Switzerland: sad face
Nikky: Avid's rubbing off on you too much-

Even farther along

Avid: oh look, there's holes in the ceiling-
Doge(WetStinkyDog): uhhh
PJO(_the_PJO_fangirl_): who did this-
California/Nikky: ...we don't exist, K?


Nikky: "Frozen Food"
Avid: backwards is Doof Nezorf
PJO: like doh
Avid: what- it's doof *runs into a wall* ow-
Doge: bet that helped-
Avid: =_=

10 minutes later

Japan: I am an independent woman that occasionally needs help
China: I get it
Japan: hmp...
China: -_-
Avid: O^O why am I here again??
Nikky: they made us come along
Doge: and us?
PJO: ...don't ask

30 minutes later

Indonesia: you know the car's that way?
Nikky: Ik but I only had one hand
Indonesia: but you have two hands?
Nikky: I only had one hand in the handle
Indonesia: oh. But you do have two hands?
Nikky: usually-
Philippines: guys! Stop splashing me!
Avid: *casually splashing Philippines*
PJO: *unloading groceries*
Doge: *messing with water and rocks*
America: this seems normal-
February: Mk I'm leaving
NBCNews: ...
Spring: this was F U N
Autumn: I think Spring's broken-

At home

Texas: brrr my shoes are covered in SNOW! *sets shoes down and walks off only to trip over the shoes*
California: pfft-
Texas: =_= story of my life
Philippines: *w h e e z e*

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