Whyyyyyy- oh hehe

7 1 1

Me: *going to publish a chapter*
Wattpad: your story takes 55 seconds to read. Do you want to write more?
Me: this is annoying. It could take 59 seconds to read and ask me if I wanna write more
Antarctica: oof
Me: when did you get here?
Antarctica: you basically froze your room- I can't melt here so
Me: true, I wanted to make global chilling a thing
Antarctica: also you haven't answered wattpad yet
Me: ->- P U B L I S H  A N Y W A Y
Antarctica: well-
Me: find anything on how to restore Ozone?
Antarctica: (thinking: the mood swings) not yet-
Me: welp time to figure it out
HokkaidoBears: where we start?
Antarctica: heck- when did they get here
Me: they wanted to join, now

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