New Years!!!

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Before they knew it, the Christmas season was already over and It was time for New Years! Since the proposal they had been planning the wedding and didn't plan on doing much for New Years. They were also planning on buying there own house pretty soon.

-----Michael's Pov-----

It was 4 days after the Christmas party and Prince, myself, Lisa and Ryley were all here, once again, planning our weddings. We were gonna have one together and the girls wanted a very elegant almost princess like wedding, which me and Prince didn't mind. We were gonna have the wedding March 7th and that was final, we would leave all further details for a month before, because that's how we all roll. The only plans for New Years was to get a condo for the night and go out on LA with Prince and Lisa, who would be staying with us in the condo. It would be a good New Years.

-----End Of Pov-----

-----Ryley's Pov-----

We had everything planned and me and Lisa were especially excited for the New Years Retreat" the boys had planned for the coming weekend. Christmas was a good holiday but Christmas was always my favorite, so after the season it was always sad, but Michael surely knew how to make me feel much better. Prince and Lisa coming made me so excited for the New Year, that always meant New Year, New Us! I'm so glad I have Michael and I hope Michael feels the same way.

-----End Of Pov-----

-----New Years Eve-----

-----Ryley's Pov-----

We were all packed and ready for our little trip to kick off 1983 with a bang, it was 10 am and Prince and Lisa showed up at around 10:15 packed and ready. We all hopped in the limo and headed for LA. It was about a 30 minute drive with the one bathroom break that Michael and Prince both needed. Finally we arrived, It was a BEAUTIFUL hotel and as soon as we got there we checked in before the fans and paparazzi could catch us. Though we only need 1 condo they closed off a whole floor for us, so the people wouldn't find us, don't get us wrong we love our fans, but being human we need privacy too. We walked in and it was gorg, rose petals on the bed, candles and even some party hats and wine for the night. The condo had two bedrooms with Queen beds, a kitchen 2 bathrooms and like a living space.

-----End Of Pov-----

-----Michael's Pov-----

The condo was amazing and as soon as we got there we started unpack and get ready for the long night ahead of us. As soon as we walked in Prince rushed into the bedroom and Lisa rushed to the bathroom. She had to pee the whole time but refused to use the nasty bathrooms at the gas station, then her and Prince started fighting about how he is a guy and can just stand and she has to sit and whatever. I was just glad we were all in a nice place to just relax. I went into the room and checked it out, Prince did the same. By now it was nearly 11 and we were all pretty hungry so we started to find some good places to eat. We found a really nice restaurant and decided to do there. I wore a blacks suit and Ryley wore a red dress, which tied up the back and white heels. Prince being all extra wore a SUPER glittery purple suit and his girl a white dress with black heels. We all walked out the back door and made it to the restaurant RIGHT BEFORE THE PAPARAZZI AND FANS ARRIVED. They shut down the restaurant just for us and turned the music up so we couldn't hear the commotion outside. We ate in peace and payed a crazy bill, but we had a great after noon, afterward we headed back the the condo and chilled there for a while.

-----End Of Pov------

------Ryley's Pov-----

After like 7 movies and a few board games it was 5 minutes till midnight. We got the party hats on and opened the champagne. We turned on some romantic music and me and Lisa twirled each other around and after some forcing, Prince and Michael did too. The minutes passed like seconds, Michael held me in his arms and Prince held Lisa in his. Just then the clock started ticking down to midnight, 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1...we counted down. The clock struck midnight and it was officially 1984, Michael kissed me right then and Prince did the same to Lisa. They twirled us and then we drank the champagne and welcomed in a whole brand new year.

-----End Of Pov-----

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