Till Death Do Us Part.

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-----The Morning Of The Wedding-----
-----Ryley's Pov-----
I'm up! It's much to early but I can't go back to sleep. Here I am at 4am getting ready, Michael told me multiple times last night "Don't be getting up at 4am!" I told him I wouldn't....but here I am. The wedding is at 5pm, we have all day to get ready. I heard shuffling in the guest room meaning either Prince or Lisa was awake. I slowly crept out of the room into the Guest room and sure enough Lisa was up! I whispered to her "We have to get ready"
-----20 Minutes Later-----
Me and Lisa are eating a good breakfast that consists of, oatmeal with strawberries and whip cream. A healthy breakfast for a big day, we kept saying to each other. The hair stylists and makeup artists would be here around 8am to get us all ready for tonight! We're letting the boys sleep till 7:45 and then waking them. EEEE ME AND LISA ARE SO EXCITED AND THE BOYS ARE JUST AS EXCITED!
-----End Of Pov-----

-----Prince's Pov-----

I woke up to the sound of laughter in the kitchen. Then my mind came to realization that today was the biggest day of our lives! I jumped up, and ran into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took a shower. I looked at the time and it was 7:45, just then Lisa walked in. "Hey baby" she kissed me "Morning lover" I responded. She had a glow in her eyes that just shouted happiness. I finished my little morning routine and headed downstairs.

-----End Of Pov-----

-----Michael's Pov-----

Ryley woke me up at 7:45 and forcefully pushed me out of bed after a few kisses on the lips. I did my classic morning routine, brushed my hair, brushed my teeth and headed downstairs. There the gang was, Lisa chatting with Ryley and Prince organizing his whole day in his head. I walked down and just as my feet his the bottom stair their were knocks at the door, the girls rushed over to the door and opened it. The hair and makeup stylists had arrived. The makeup artists walked in and seated the girls at the table and started on their makeup. The hair stylists grabbed me and Prince by the wrist and sat us at the counter and started on our hair. They combed through my hair and curled Prince's.

-----End Of Pov-----

-----Lisa's Pov-----

There I sat, finally the day of the wedding, right next to my bestfriend and across from the love of my life. They put foundation and powdered me and Ryley's faces then it was eyeshadow time. As they brushed the makeup on my eyelids all the memories flooded back, meeting Prince for the first time in the band, meeting Ryley, and meeting her lover. Life finally seemed to be coming together.

-----End Of Pov-----

-----1 Hour Later-----

-----Prince's Pov-----

After a million days the girls are finally done with their makeup. I went to sit down to have mine done, all I needed was eyeshadow and eyeliner. As my makeup was being done Michael was just getting some powder and lip balm on him. I nibbled a granola bar while they did my hair, the time was around 9 and the wedding started at 4, so after hair and makeup we could go down to the church to see if the decorations were finished, since we had professionals do the decorations for us. The wedding theme was purple and gold, very chic and nice. Now finally hair and makeup was over with and the people left and we got some reasonable clothes on and headed down to see how the decorated church looked, then we would check on the wedding reception ballroom.

-----End Of Pov-----

-----Ryley's Pov-----

We arrived at the church and the decorations LOOKED AMAZING!! It looked like a beautiful fantasy! The gold and white arch over where we would be married, the purple carpet down the isle, the gold flower petals that the flower girl, who was my cousin, would throw out and the love that flew throughout the air in the church, you could feel the joy. Michael's smile seeing the place was wonderful. The joy in Prince's eyes said it all, and the excitement in me and Lisa just made this day so much better. After thanking the decoration people we went down to the place the reception would be held.

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