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-----Prince's Pov------

The sun shone bright in my eyes as I awoke this morning. Saturdays are always my favorite, not only because I love the weekends but also because, for me atleast, the sun always shines a little brighter. As I woke myself up I ran my fingers through Lisa's hair. Then shortly afterward I went into the bathroom for a nice warm shower. As far as I knew today would be a long day, I fell asleep last night to Ryley and Lisa talking about how their dresses will both be purple and how they want me and Michael to wear white suits. At around 8pm last night, me and Michael called the wedding reception place and the church we would have the wedding at and set in stone all the final details. The wedding would be at a small church not far from here, and the reception at a OVERPRICED, in my opinion, wedding reception place in Encino. After I gave the day a thought the water was nice and warmed up. I stripped the clothes I had on, I fell asleep in the clothes I wore on the plane so now I would get nice and clean. After the shower I went into the room and dug in my suitcase for a nice outfit to wear today.

-----End Of Pov-----

------Michael's Pov------

The sun woke me up just like always. Ryley was already in the bathroom humming while putting her makeup on, when Ryley gets up early YOU KNOW ITS GONNA BE A LONG DAY. I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her. She smiled and finished her eye-makeup while I brushed my teeth and freshened up. I curled and gelled my hair and Ryley threw her hair up into a high pony tail. I finished getting ready and decided to head over to Lisa and Prince's room to see if they were up. Sure enough, I heard happy giggles and whispers coming from the room. I knocked and yelled "Are you guys ready for breakfast?" then Prince's voice responded in a chuckle "Yea, we ready! We'll be down" I then made my way downstairs and there my mother was cooking up a storm.

-----The Convo Between MJ And His Mom-----

Michael- Good morning mother!

Katherine- Hey Michael! *hugs* Morning baby!

Michael- What are you cooking up?

Katherine- A classic! Eggs, bacon and some toast and orange juice!

Michael- Sounds great mother!!

-----End Of Conversation

Just then Ryley, Prince and Lisa came down. Ryley was on Lisa's back and Prince was running behind them.

-----The Conversation-----

Michael- There the party is!!

Lisa- *laughs* The party has arrived!

Ryley- Morning Katherine!

Katherine- Morning yall! Who's ready for some breakfast!!

All- We are!!

-----End Of Convo-----

-----Prince's Pov-----

We all sat down to eat Lisa and Ryley next to each other and me and Michael next to each other and Katherine and Joe sat at the end of the table together. We all ate the food, which by the way was delicious, and then all of us hopped in the car and drove down to the bridal shop and that's where our day begins! We walked in and as soon as we did the girls ran STRAIGHT for the purple dresses and me and Michael just got comfortable over on this little couch.

-----End Of Pov-----

------Ryley's Pov-----

Light purple, sparkly purple, blue purple SO MANY PURPLES TO CHOOSE FROM!!!! All me and Lisa knew was that we wanted long, fluffy, purple dresses and white heels...we are going into this totally clueless! She looked at the shoes whilst I scanned through every dress on the rack. FINALLY AFTER 2 AND A HALF HOURS WE FOUND THE EXACT DRESSES WE WANTED AND WE FOUND MATCHING HEELS!! The dresses were a light purple with white ruffles on the bottom, long light purple laced sleeves and they were super fluffy!! The heels perfectly matched the white ruffles on the dress and they were 3 inch heels, with these heels on me and Ryley would be 6 feet tall!! Now we had to try them on then WAKE THE BOYS UP and get them their tuxedos! We ran to the dressing rooms and hurried to try these DREAM dresses on, thankfully they fit perfectly and so did the heels. Right after that we ran over to the boys!

-----End Of Pov-----

-----Lisa's Pov-----

Hanging out with Ryley on a Saturday picking out WEDDING dresses was the best day of my life! We just shopped for 2 hours and were genuinely happy! The dresses were a perfect fit and so were the shoes! After trying them on we had to hunt down our boyfriends, there they were...literally asleep on the couch. "Boys!!!!" we yelled they both quickly woke up. "It's time to find your tuxedos!!!!!" we yelled in unison. They both smiled and looked at each other. Off we went into the mens section.

-----End Of Pov-----

-----Michael's Pov-----

Ryley practically dragged me down the isles, I couldn't even get a word in she just kept talking and pointing things out, I loved seeing her so happy. Suit after suit, tie after tie, the girls were down to 2 choices of matching suits for me and Prince. One white with purple dress pants and the other white with a purple undershirt and a white bow-tie...I think I already can tell which one they will pick...

-----Prince's Pov-----

Here me and Michael are, one minute sleeping on the couch, the other being dragged down isle's of clothes by our lovers, the smile on Lisa's face during this whole little trip has made me beyond happy. It seems like it took them FOREVER to find the suits. Finally they had narrowed the choices down to only 2 choices. Me and Michael would be matching, so once they decided, we would be done here! The first choice was white and purple very detailed and looked very sophisticated, the second was more simple going all white with a purple undershirt and bow-tie in white...this one was personally my favorite!

-----End Of Pov-----

-----Lisa and Ryley's Pov-----

Ryley- We had been contemplating for a long while but finally we made our choice!

Lisa- We finally chose! All white with a purple undershirt and white bow-tie was our final choice for the boys! It would greatly compliment our dresses and we thought they liked those the best, and yes the boys love them.

Ryley- They didn't need shoes because both of them had a fairly large collection of footwear! As far as shoes went for them though, Michael would wear his white dress shoes, and Prince would wear his white boot heels. Now we go to check out! My parents gave me money, because they vowed to pay for this wedding and Lisa's parents were paying for Prince and her part of this wedding. We paid and walked out feeling very accomplished! The next mission was to find food!!

-----End Of Pov-----

-----Prince's Pov-----

Me and Michael just felt it in our guts that the girls would pick those tuxedos and we loved them just as much as they did! After all the shopping we were all hungry, so we found a small Italian restaurant to eat at that served spaghetti, my personal favorite, and for Michael, who does not like pasta as much, pizza! We ate and the food was really good! By now the sun was setting and we made our way back home.

-----End Of Pov-----

-----Michael's Pov-----

The food was absolutely amazing and now we were all pretty drained. I think everyone would agree that today was a very productive, fun day! The only thing left to do is to get the wedding cake, but that's a adventure for another day. There we rode off into the Feburary sunset excited for all the things to come!

-----End Of Pov-----

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