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"Thank you again for keeping her girl." Brynn spoke to her best friend Ashley. She had volunteered to watch her four month old god-daughter for the night so that Brynn and her husband Zae could get some alone time.

"Girl this my god-baby! You ain't gotta thank me. Hell you shoulda been let me keep her. Now go have fun with your man girl. Bye boo!" Ashley winked before toting the baby and her belongings out of the door.

Brynn watched as Ashley's car departed from their
driveway and took a deep breath, trying to relieve her separation anxiety from Baby Zuri.

You haven't had any alone time with your husband since before the baby was born so just enjoy this.

She told herself. Picking up all of the baby's belongings from the living room, she began to clean and tidy up the place. Once the house looked spotless, she started on dinner. Seeing that she had a few more hours until her husband returned from work, she prepared his favorite baked ziti along with a salad and garlic bread. Once she got the ziti in the oven and set the timer, she cleaned up the kitchen and started making the home look more romantic.

Making a trail of rose petals from the front door to the living room to the staircase and all the way up to their bedroom, Brynn hoped these would all be areas where they'd make love tonight.

She proceeded to place the fake candles all around the house and lit real ones in their bedroom. She made sure to dim the chandelier in the main area of their home and in their bedroom, she turned on their red sunset lamp to set the mood. Afterwards, she turned on their sensual jazz playlist that played throughout the built-in speakers in the home lowly.

She went back up to the bedroom and began to spell a message on the bed with the rose petals.

"Perfect." She said as she finished the last letter on the bed. Hearing the timer go off in the kitchen, she went downstairs and took the baked ziti out of the oven to ensure that it was done and then put it back in the oven after turning it off. Realizing her husband would be home within the next hour and a half, she figured it would be best if she showered and got dressed during that time.

After showering and prepping herself, she did her edges and laid them down before applying the slightest amount of makeup. She then slipped on a red lingerie set she had bought before putting on her dinner outfit. The lingerie set came with a robe, but she couldn't guarantee that she'd wear it, because Zae probably wouldn't allow her to be in clothes for too long.

Over the lingerie, she wore a black bodycon dress and some black strap-up heels. She removed her bonnet and began taking the rollers out of her 28 inch bundles before brushing out the tight curls to give her hair a flowy look.

After lining her lips and applying lip gloss, she sprayed her Tom Ford perfume and stood in the mirror, fixing any discrepancy she could find before putting in diamond studs in each of the three holes she had in each ear.

Once she was ready, she tidied up the bathroom and went back downstairs. She placed a bottle of wine in the wine chiller before placing it on the dining table along with two glasses after she finished setting the table. Afterwards, she changed the music to her sex playlist, knowing Zae would be home in any second now.

Smiling as she heard the familiar sound of keys jiggling, she waited to see his reaction as he opened the door.

"Baby I'm ho-what is all this?" Zae smiled as he saw the path of rose petals.

"Just a token of my appreciation for you. Come here let me get your coat." Brynn spoke walking over to her husband and slipping his coat off before putting it on the rack.

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